Estonia Movies

The most popular movies from Estonia which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Estonia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Erik Stoneheart (2022)

Erik Stoneheart (2022)

Erik is convinced he has a stone for a heart. That’s why he doesn’t mind that his parents have no time for him, or that he is bullied at school,...

Tangerines (2013)

Tangerines (2013)

War in Abkhazia, 1992. An Estonian man Ivo has stayed behind to harvest his crops of tangerines. In a bloody conflict at his door, a wounded man is...

1944 (2015)

1944 (2015)

The events of the war in 1944, from the Blue Hills to Sõrve Peninsula. Shown through the eyes of Estonian soldiers who had to pick sides and fight...

The Fencer (2015)

The Fencer (2015)

Fleeing from the Russian secret police, a young Estonian fencer is forced to return to his homeland, where he becomes a physical education teacher at...

Truth and Justice (2019)

Truth and Justice (2019)

Estonia, 1872. The uncompromising new owner of Robber's Rise must battle with hard work, his spiteful neighbor and with his own family and beliefs to...

Dawn of War (2020)

Dawn of War (2020)

A historical spy-thriller set in 1939 about an Estonian intelligence agent tasked with uncovering the Soviet double agent in their ranks.

November (2017)

November (2017)

In a poor Estonian village, a group of peasants use magic and folk remedies to survive the winter, and a young woman tries to get a young man to love...

The Class (2007)

The Class (2007)

An average guy of an Estonian high-school decides to defend his bullied classmate. This starts a war between him and the informal leader of the class.

Smoke Sauna Sisterhood (2023)

Smoke Sauna Sisterhood (2023)

Women share their innermost secrets and intimate experiences inside an Estonian smoke sauna. Cleansing their bodies and baring their souls, they...

Lotte and the Moonstone Secret (2011)

Lotte and the Moonstone Secret (2011)

Plucky young Lotte embarks on an adventure with her uncle Klaus to solve the mystery of three stones that a pair of hooded figures are attempting to...

Alien 2 or: The Return of Valdis in 17 Episodes (2024)

Alien 2 or: The Return of Valdis in 17 Episodes (2024)

Valdis returns after 20 years, his memory restored, but his hometown transformed. Despite the changes, his friends Märt and Ott guide him through...

The Dissidents (2017)

The Dissidents (2017)

In Soviet-era Estonia, three young mavericks drop everything and flee to Sweden, but soon learn the free world is not all it's cracked up to be.

Dead Mountaineer's Hotel (1979)

Dead Mountaineer's Hotel (1979)

The police get a call-out to a lonely hotel in the Alps. When an officer gets to the hotel everything seems to be alright. Suddenly, an avalanche...

Autumn Ball (2007)

Autumn Ball (2007)

Autumn in Estonia, where six people live, six solitudes, prisoners of the monotonous architecture of Soviet-era concrete buildings, in search of...

Melchior the Apothecary (2022)

Melchior the Apothecary (2022)

In medieval Tallinn, a famous knight who is freed from the pirates of the Baltic Sea is murdered. The hero's head is cut off and his mouth is stuffed...

Melchior the Apothecary: The Executioner's Daughter (2023)

Melchior the Apothecary: The Executioner's Daughter (2023)

Melchior’s bride Keterlyn happens to witness an attack on a young man. The victim, who has lost his memory, does not know who he is and how he...

Lotte from Gadgetville (2006)

Lotte from Gadgetville (2006)

Somewhere in Europe by a great sea stands a small village, where inventing all manner of domestic gadgets is held in great esteem. Every year the...

186 Kilometers (2007)

186 Kilometers (2007)

The well-known but out-of-luck actor Jan Uuspõld sets out to hitchhike from Tallinn through Estonia to Tartu.

The Little Comrade (2018)

The Little Comrade (2018)

In the midst of Stalinist tyranny, six-year-old Leelo's mother is sent to a prison camp. Haunted by her mother's last words telling her to be a good...

Secret Society of Souptown (2015)

Secret Society of Souptown (2015)

Four children - Mari, Sadu, Olav and Anton form a secret society to play hide-and seek games invented by Mari's grandfather, a professor at the...

Õnne 13

Õnne 13

Õnne 13 is an Estonian dramatic TV series that airs on ETV. The series first aired on 30 October 1993 and was written by Astrid Reinla and as of...

Revenge Office

Revenge Office

A group of women create a organisation named "Kättemaksukontor" to fight for the rights of women and help solve murder mysterys for the police.

The Class: Life After

The Class: Life After

The Class: Life After is a follow-up to the feature film The Class (Klass) and deals with the aftermath of a school shooting. Each one-hour episode...

Brave Ones

Brave Ones

Estonias most hardy travellers Teet Margna and Kristjan Jõekalda are at it again! Their new adventure takes them to Mexico, where ancient Mayan...



Ühikarotid is an Estonian teen drama TV series that airs on Kanal 2. The series first aired on 8 March 2010. It's written by Martin Algus and...

Windward Land

Windward Land

Tuulepealne maa is a twelve-part Estonian television mini-series about the pre-World War II history of Estonia, its birth as a country, the Estonian...

Mood Breaker

Mood Breaker

Estonian comedy sketch show consisting of parodies of popular Estonian movies or shows.

Wikman's Boys

Wikman's Boys

Wikman's Boys is a 1994-year drama serial about the Wikman Private Gymnasium students from 1937 till their mobilization in 1944. The series is based...

Who Shot Otto Mueller?

Who Shot Otto Mueller?

This focused family drama with a crime plot begins when Otto Müller, a 65-years-old business legend, is murdered in his own home.



A comedy series about an aspiring salesman working in a car dealership whose life is far from what he would have liked. Competition is fierce and...

Beach House

Beach House

Estonian dating reality show in which young men and women all move into a beach house with the hope of finding romance.



In 2004, shortly before Estonia's accession to NATO, the Russian intelligence service is approaching Alfred Vind, an official of the Estonian...

The Bank

The Bank

Based on a true story in the turbulent Estonian 90s. Personal dramas will unfold using the historic events as a backdrop, with the characters...

Free Throws

Free Throws

Comedians Mattias Naan and Kaarel Nõmmik sit down with twenty actors and filmmakers to talk in a free form about what happened behind the scenes, in...

Lotte's Stories

Lotte's Stories

Lotte together with her friends Bruno and Albert, ventures and solves exciting detective puzzles.