Romania Movies Page 50

The most popular movies from Romania page 50 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Romania, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Mornings of a Sensible Youth (1967)

The Mornings of a Sensible Youth (1967)

A young man leaves home after graduation from high school to make his way in the world and seek his independence. The story is told in flashbacks as...

Unripe Fruits (2019)

Unripe Fruits (2019)

Unripe Fruits unveils the story of a difficult mother-son relationship

The Green Cat (2019)

The Green Cat (2019)

The story follows a renowned detective reverting from retirement to resolve one final case, a personal case of great complexity.

17 Minutes Late (2002)

17 Minutes Late (2002)

Everything is scheduled. A strange car accident and he is late. 17 minutes. He is going to his ex-girlfriend's bar. The place is empty and quiet. He...

Our Daily Bread (2024)

Our Daily Bread (2024)

MamaPan is an artisan bakery where the female employees are social cases who would hardly find a job given that, for example, they cannot read or...

Dor (Longing) (2022)

Dor (Longing) (2022)

A young man returns to his native Romania to make a fresh start as a shepherd. Jannes Callens’ film moves at the same pace as a pasture crossing,...

Hello? Wrong Number (1958)

Hello? Wrong Number (1958)

A music school student immersed in the music that he loves. One time he happens to dial a wrong number, thus starting an adventure in which he will...

André Rieu - Live in Bucharest (2015)

André Rieu - Live in Bucharest (2015)

André Rieu and his Johann Strauss orchestra - Live in Constitution Square, Bucharest. Special guest: Gheorghe Zamfir.

The Bride from the Train (1980)

The Bride from the Train (1980)

Two young men and a girl, in a triangle that is a symbol of the social life of those times.

Superhombre (2019)

Superhombre (2019)

Horia Colibasanu is a dentist, father of two boys and elite climber. In 2008, he refused to abandon, at 7400 meters on the Annapurna, his sick...

I Want to Smash the Greenhouse (2022)

I Want to Smash the Greenhouse (2022)

Sara faces the first signs of a disease she inherited from her father, which in its final stage will turn their bodies into plants. Sara needs a big...

Let All Children Smile (1957)

Let All Children Smile (1957)

The film's protagonists are the orphaned children taken into custody by the state and institutionalized at Children's House no. 6 from Bucharest. For...

Australia (2009)

Australia (2009)

How do seven young people, former street children from Romania, get to see the Pacific Ocean? On 1 December 2008, a Romanian national team...

A Trip to the City (2004)

A Trip to the City (2004)

A shy teacher and a versatile driver from a small vilage are gonig to town send by the mayor to bring a computer for the Mayoralty and a lavatory for...

When It Snows (2017)

When It Snows (2017)

Laur asks the owners’ association in the building he lives in to fix the elevator for his pregnant girlfriend. Throughout the meeting, we witness...

The Night Practice (2023)

The Night Practice (2023)

The new goalkeeper on a youth soccer team faces bullying and hostility from nearly all of his teammates. Only one of the boys, Robert, is nice to...

Angela Goes On (1982)

Angela Goes On (1982)

One woman taxi driver in Bucharest is hoping for a conventional relationship.

People Are Not Goats (1971)

People Are Not Goats (1971)

In an unusual spaghetti western setting, a man - played by Ilarion Ciobanu - returns to his home village after spending time at the front. He finds...

Herodot's Mystery (1976)

Herodot's Mystery (1976)

In a mountain village, two kids find a roman fibulae. Trying to find more, they stumble upon the notes of a history professor about a Roman...