2002 Movies Page 50

The most popular movies 2002 page 50 which is currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies 2002, you can do it here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Bark! (2002)

Bark! (2002)

Peter finds himself dumbfounded when a mysterious malady afflicts his wife… she thinks she’s a dog!

The Angel Doll (2002)

The Angel Doll (2002)

The story of two small town boys from different sides of the tracks: 1950's childhood and self-redemption. Young "Whitey" Black (so called because of...

The Night Before Christmas: A Mouse Tale (2002)

The Night Before Christmas: A Mouse Tale (2002)

Animated holiday feature for the entire family, destined to become a classic. Based on the beloved poem by Clement C. Moore, the story begins on...

As Luck Would Have It (2002)

As Luck Would Have It (2002)

Jean-Pierre is a literature professor in Switzerland. Due to the vagarities of Swiss law, he is selected, basically at random, to be the guardian of...

Song of the Miraculous Hind (2002)

Song of the Miraculous Hind (2002)

Divided into four sections, "Song" is inspired by the Siberian and Finno-Ugric legends about Creation, in which the world begins with characters who...

The Collector (2002)

The Collector (2002)

The detective Maud Graham hides her sensibility behind the image of a strong and independant woman. She frequently offers her hospitality to a...

Terry Tate, Office Linebacker (2002)

Terry Tate, Office Linebacker (2002)

Retired NFL Linebacker, "Terrible" Terry Tate enforces the office rules at the Felcher and Sons' headquarters the only way he knows how: with...

13th Child (2002)

13th Child (2002)

People are being killed by someone or something using superhuman strength. A clever DA Assistant is sent to investigate. Is this just a way to commit...

Damaged Care (2002)

Damaged Care (2002)

Anesthesist Doug Peeno hopes to pay for the legal costs of preventing his son Bryan being left in his first wife's bad custody with he proceeds of...

Pleasant Days (2002)

Pleasant Days (2002)

Peter returned from prison in his native city, in the hope that it will begin happy days. With surprise he learns that his sister became a foster...

Names in Marble (2002)

Names in Marble (2002)

Based on an acclaimed 1935 novel about the War of Liberation (1918-1920) that ensured Estonia's independence, the film tells about a group of young...

Moonlight (2002)

Moonlight (2002)

Claire lives with her wealthy adopted parents in a luxurious and isolated house in the woods. She discovers a wounded and bleeding boy her age in her...

Naughty Léa (2002)

Naughty Léa (2002)

During a meal with a couple of friends, Patrick and Léa come across Clara, an inveterate seductress. For years, Léa has accused Clara of having...

Nancy Drew (2002)

Nancy Drew (2002)

Nancy and her faithful sidekicks Bess and George just entered River Heights University, where she tackles the mystery of a football star's...

Time of the Wolf (2002)

Time of the Wolf (2002)

A boy is orphaned and his only surviving relatives, an ageing aunt and uncle, somewhat reluctantly, take him in. The aunt, still traumatised by the...

Ben & Arthur (2002)

Ben & Arthur (2002)

A pair of recently married gay men are threatened by one of the partners' brother, a religious fanatic who plots to murder them after being...

Nandanam (2002)

Nandanam (2002)

Balamani is the housemaid looking after Unni Amma. There are three more housemaids in the house but it is Balamani's duty to look after them too....

Far from Home (2002)

Far from Home (2002)

Ximei came to Guangzhou all alone, she wants to find her own bright future in this big city, but she was always refused in the strange city. Finally,...

Beck 12 - The Loner (2002)

Beck 12 - The Loner (2002)

An Asian woman is found dead in the water of Stockholm's archipelago. She has been murdered and everything indicates that she was a prostitute....

Hometown Legend (2002)

Hometown Legend (2002)

A teenage drifter finds an opportunity to turn his life around when he joins a high-school football program with a hard-nosed coach.