Filmski Sklad Republike Slovenije Movies

A collection of movies produced by Filmski Sklad Republike Slovenije where we put together films that have two or even more than three parts, this could almost be called a series, but since it is an all night film and each film has a complete story, it is definitely not a series. When a film hits theaters, they usually don't know exactly what kind of story it will receive. Viewer opinions are often unpredictable, but they have tremendous power. Some stories are designed to continue, while others get new chapters as people respond positively. With a successful film, we can almost guarantee that we will get more scenes to please the audience. On the other hand, a lot of new things hit theaters in a year. How do you know a newer part of one of your favorites is available? This collection was created by including films produced by Filmski Sklad Republike Slovenije. All the important movies here, whether it's two or twenty, if you liked the first part of a story, it's time to check out the newest one too!

Wolfy (2007)

Wolfy (2007)
0 / 10

Zdravko is a retired widower. His daughter never visits him and he lives a solitary existence. One day, he notices that people who walk their dogs in...

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The Beezes (2002)

The Beezes (2002)
10 / 10

Well, Bizgeci are feathery people and live in the area of dry steppes. Their homes are neat and quite lofty cages. Bizgeci are the link between...

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Adrian (1998)

Adrian (1998)
0 / 10

Adrian visits the seaside with his mother. Adrian becomes jealous when a man is interested in his mother.

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Mother Europe (2012)

Mother Europe (2012)
0 / 10

Road trip through the periphery of the EU shows present-day Europe through the eyes of a much-travelled six-year-old, wise beyond his years. A fresh...

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Friday Night (2000)

Friday Night (2000)
0 / 10

High school friends Edi, Marko, Katja, Mateja, and Petra are trying to find their way to graduation. Along the way they encounter extremely hostile...

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Chicory 'n' Coffee (2008)

Chicory 'n' Coffee (2008)
6 / 10

The story turns on a small deception - since they were married, instead of the real thing, the wife has always made Chicory (a cheap substitute for...

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Seeing Van Gogh (2008)

Seeing Van Gogh (2008)
0 / 10

The film is a homage to beauty; beauty in a visual and aesthetic sense, but primarily spiritual beauty, the beauty that normally thrives best in...

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