Dixie National Pictures Inc Movies

A collection of movies produced by Dixie National Pictures Inc where we put together films that have two or even more than three parts, this could almost be called a series, but since it is an all night film and each film has a complete story, it is definitely not a series. When a film hits theaters, they usually don't know exactly what kind of story it will receive. Viewer opinions are often unpredictable, but they have tremendous power. Some stories are designed to continue, while others get new chapters as people respond positively. With a successful film, we can almost guarantee that we will get more scenes to please the audience. On the other hand, a lot of new things hit theaters in a year. How do you know a newer part of one of your favorites is available? This collection was created by including films produced by Dixie National Pictures Inc. All the important movies here, whether it's two or twenty, if you liked the first part of a story, it's time to check out the newest one too!

Lucky Ghost (1942)

Lucky Ghost (1942)
6.2 / 10

An all-black horror comedy starring Mantan Moreland and sometimes partner (and straight man) F.E. Miller, Lucky Ghost is amusing low-brow fare that...

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Professor Creeps (1942)

Professor Creeps (1942)
0 / 10

Two cut-rate private detectives are broke, hungry and down to their last nickel. They decide to hock their banjo in order to get some money for food,...

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Mr. Washington Goes to Town (1942)

Mr. Washington Goes to Town (1942)
3 / 10

While serving time in county prison, Wallingford sees a story in the newspaper that his cellmate, Schenectady, has inherited a mansion from his...

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Up Jumped the Devil (1941)

Up Jumped the Devil (1941)
0 / 10

Two ne'er-do-wells, Washington and Jefferson, just out of prison are looking for jobs so they won't get arrested for vagrancy. They find out that the...

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