United Arab Emirates Movies Page 50

The most popular movies from United Arab Emirates page 50 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from United Arab Emirates, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Thirst (2004)

Thirst (2004)

Life begins to change for a family of five living in the middle of nowhere when water is illegally diverted onto their land

Love Above Pyramid's Plateau (1986)

Love Above Pyramid's Plateau (1986)

The film puts the lights on the struggle of youngsters to afford a proper life for marriage. Through their small incomes, and the ordeal of finding a...

Mother (1969)

Mother (1969)

Wanting a better life for herself and her unborn child, Amani goes on an illegal journey to flee Lebanon. However, the plan becomes at risk when a...

Nuqtat Rojoo (2007)

Nuqtat Rojoo (2007)

A man wakes up from a surgical operation after a car accident to find out that he lost his entire memory; soon he starts noticing strange things...

حب فوق البركان (1978)

حب فوق البركان (1978)

Ahmed and Nawal's half-brother (Hussein) steals Ahmed's money to spend on the dancer (Dusa). Nawal pawns jewelry with (Umm Jaber), the moneylender,...

Augustine - Son of Her Tears (2019)

Augustine - Son of Her Tears (2019)

Hady is chosen to work on a documentary about Saint Augustine. As he starts researching his life and philosophies that changed the Western world and...

Behind the Lines (2023)

Behind the Lines (2023)

Amany Al-Ali stands out as one of Syria's few female cartoonists, residing in her father's home in Idlib, the last city unconquered by Assad's...

Rahba (2023)

Rahba (2023)

Sayed Rahba, who lives in a working-class neighborhood, imposes his grip and control on the area, taking advantage of his intelligence and courage....

Breach (2005)

Breach (2005)

Fadwa, a rebellious girl, runs away from the parental home to hide in a funny disused factory. Her father ends up finding her and wants to take her...

Blue-Stars Hotel (1985)

Blue-Stars Hotel (1985)

A famous producer agrees to contract with director Imran and author Fathi for a movie, on the condition that they finish writing it within two weeks,...

A Hero Till the End (1963)

A Hero Till the End (1963)

Hafez takes advantage of his presidency of the Childhood Protection Association and his knowledge of the rich families, to cover up his criminal...

The Man Who Sneezed (1985)

The Man Who Sneezed (1985)

A man, suffering from chronic sneezing, was told by the doctors that his days in life are numbered, only to act carelessly and unethically.

The Sparrow (1974)

The Sparrow (1974)

Set shortly before and during the Six Day War in June of 1967, The Sparrow follows a young police officer stationed in a small village in Upper Egypt...

Mr. Abu Al-Araby Arrived (2005)

Mr. Abu Al-Araby Arrived (2005)

The film revolves around a young man named "Abu Arabi" who works in commerce, but does not succeed. However, he wants to marry a girl called "Mahja",...

Al-Zamahlawia (2008)

Al-Zamahlawia (2008)

The film revolves around the families of Shehata Hussein and Salim Abu Nawas (Salah Eidullah and Izzat Abu Auf), one of whom belongs to Zamalek...

Hammam Fe Amsterdam (1999)

Hammam Fe Amsterdam (1999)

Hammaam lives with his big family in a crowded Egyptian alley. As he is jobless, he loses his girl to a rich suitor. He then decides to leave for...

Red Card (2017)

Red Card (2017)

Two brothers who are avid football fans collide when their support for rival teams plunges their families into comical turmoil.

Let me avenge (1979)

Let me avenge (1979)

Major's Mahmoud's wife Hoda and their son were killed by a smuggling gang who took revenge on Mahmoud when he arrested some of their members. Mahmoud...