Albania Movies Page 21

The most popular movies from Albania page 21 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Albania, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Little Partisan Velo (1980)

The Little Partisan Velo (1980)

After his father is killed, a young boy decides to join the partisans and fight in the war.

Murder while Hunting (1987)

Murder while Hunting (1987)

Three friends, Fred, Aleko and Pertef, go hunting. Somebody accidentally shoots at Pertef and kills him, and nobody knows who the murderer is.

Ana's Day (2020)

Ana's Day (2020)

Several weeks before her wedding, Anna is diagnosed with cancer. Her fiancé John faces a dilemma – whether to tell Ana the truth about her illness...

The Old House (2017)

The Old House (2017)

The story of a young couple of tourists lurking in the Albanian Alps in search of adventure. In a tower in the north they find salvation or mystery...

Liberation (2015)

Liberation (2015)

The wartime, a teacher and a student found themselves trapped in object of primary school, they make a hard life for few months within the school...

Night (1998)

Night (1998)

A group of people attempt to flee religious persecution in Enver Hoxha's Albania, with tragic results.

The Old Shell (1980)

The Old Shell (1980)

Pandi has been recruited by foreign agents in order to collect information about a military plant where his friend Servet works. To achieve his goal,...

Who Dies Standing (1984)

Who Dies Standing (1984)

Film based on the life and patriotic activities of teacher Petro Nini Luarasi.

117 (1976)

117 (1976)

Shot in the Kosovar village of Nevokaze, it depicts the traditional lifestyle of an Albanian family numbering 117 members, all living under one roof...

Life Between the Waters (2017)

Life Between the Waters (2017)

A disaffected mechanic and his unemployed wife face a harrowing several days when their daughter suddenly disappears.

Red Flowers, Black Flowers (2003)

Red Flowers, Black Flowers (2003)

the troubles of a few remaining people in nearly abandoned villages, after the fall of communism.

Kinoreportazh Nr. 1 (1959)

Kinoreportazh Nr. 1 (1959)

This newsreel presents the one and only visit to Albania by Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev. But behind the bear hugs and airport kisses, Enver...

Three Cloaked Men (1985)

Three Cloaked Men (1985)

Three cloaked partisans are carrying out their duty in the harsh winter. During the way, they are disovered by the Germans.. The shepherd, Xhemo use...

Valley of the Riflemen (1970)

Valley of the Riflemen (1970)

Met Sokoli is a young pioneer who fights against a band of saboteurs entering Albania.

Identity (2019)

Identity (2019)

Bjondi, a man around 35 years, faces with schizophrenic symptoms as a result of a bad story happened in his family. The death of the only daughter...

Mushrooms of Concrete (2010)

Mushrooms of Concrete (2010)

Over 750,000 bunkers were build in Albania for a war that never came. Building them drained vital resources and crippled Albanian industry....

Growing Up in Streets (2006)

Growing Up in Streets (2006)

A realistic history of the children growing up on the streets of Kosovo and doing hard work in order to survive. The story revers the likes of...

Looking for the 5-Hour (1974)

Looking for the 5-Hour (1974)

A lazy man wants to become a sportsman in order to have a normal 5-hour per day job. Many comical situations arise.

The End of a Blood Feud (1983)

The End of a Blood Feud (1983)

Mazi and Dushi are two youngsters who come from families that are in a blood feud with each other. One family lives in the mountains and the other...

Traces in the blue sky (1981)

Traces in the blue sky (1981)

The film follows Astrit, a young pilot who has just finished the aviation school.