Angola Movies Page 48

The most popular movies from Angola page 48 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Angola, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Continent (1969)

Continent (1969)

After 15 years of living abroad, Amanda returns home with her French boyfriend, Martin. They arrive at her family's large-scale farm, located in a...

Letícia (2024)

Letícia (2024)

During a work meeting at a hotel, Gustavo, a real player, meets the charming Letícia, who has an intriguing personality. Marked by the encounter, he...

Luzia Homem (1988)

Luzia Homem (1988)

After witnessing the assassination of her parents, Luzia is raised by a cowboy and starts behaving like the men of Brazilian "Sertão". As a...

Ilegal (2014)

Ilegal (2014)

Her daughter afflicted by a rare epilepsy, Katiele tries desperately to obtain the only thing that can relieve it: a substance derived from marijuana.

Ariella (1980)

Ariella (1980)

Ariella, a lonely young woman, feels like a stranger in her own house. Ariella is discovering her sexuality and her arrogant mother Helena, her...

Desavergonhadamente Real (2009)

Desavergonhadamente Real (2009)

Two actors, four characters, one short film inside another one and a sexual tension that won't stop with the word "cut".

Tormenta (1983)

Tormenta (1983)

A quiet weekend turns into a hellish nightmare when the boat some people are in shipwrecks during a storm. The family stays marooned in an island,...

Belarmino (1964)

Belarmino (1964)

A portrait of Belarmino Fragoso, a veteran boxer in Lisbon nearing the end of his career. In a blend of reportage and re-enactment, the many vices of...

Federal (2010)

Federal (2010)

Brasília. Vital is a Brazilian federal police deputy who leads a special investigation group that aims to capture the international drug trafficker...

Ana e Vitória (2018)

Ana e Vitória (2018)

Two girls have a chance encounter and instantly befriend. While trying to find themselves, they decide to pursue music together.

Roleta Russa (1972)

Roleta Russa (1972)

Raul, a playboy, marries Sheila and hire Nina, a photographer, to take erotic snapshots of his wife. Nina acquires an interest on Sheila, and through...

The Crime of Father Amaro (2005)

The Crime of Father Amaro (2005)

O Crime do Padre Amaro ("The Crime of Father Amaro") is a novel by the 19th-century Portuguese writer José Maria de Eça de Queiroz. It was first...

Maria Life (2007)

Maria Life (2007)

A five-year-old girl enjoys learning to write her name, but she is forced by her mother to drop out of school and start taking care of household...

As Cobras (1985)

As Cobras (1985)

They play football. They laugh, they cry, they swim. They love. They witnessed the discovery of Brazil and are present in the conquests of unknown...

Mallandro: O Errado que Deu Certo (2024)

Mallandro: O Errado que Deu Certo (2024)

Comedian Sérgio Mallandro is going through a bad phase in his life. Money is getting tighter and he even tries to work as an app driver, but he...

Sacris Pulso (2008)

Sacris Pulso (2008)

Sacris Pulso departs from the dismemberment of another film, "Brasiliários". This film is an interpretation of Clarice Lispector's chronic...

Françoise (2001)

Françoise (2001)

A woman named Françoise meets a man who's waiting for his bus in a bus station.

Kinotel (2009)

Kinotel (2009)

We don`t know much about the future world where people need to visit 'Kinotels'. But we know that going to the cinema has radically changed. It has...