Austria Movies Page 44

The most popular movies from Austria page 44 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Austria, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Biology! (1990)

Biology! (1990)

A small town shortly before the end of the GDR: 15-year-old Ulla lives with her mother in a dilapidated old building where not even the electricity...

Sachertorte (2022)

Sachertorte (2022)

Karl meets Nini at a Berlin train station: it is love at first sight. But the few hours they spend together before she travels back to Vienna end in...

Comradeship (1931)

Comradeship (1931)

The picture tells of a mine disaster where German miners rescue French miners from an undergound fire and explosion. The story takes place in the...

Shark Attack in the Mediterranean (2004)

Shark Attack in the Mediterranean (2004)

A prehistoric shark (named in the books "megalodon") lurks Mallorca, killing a couple of individuals. A professional diver begins the hunt.

The Foster Boy (2011)

The Foster Boy (2011)

Switzerland, 1955. The young orphan Max is sent as a foster child and contracted to work for the Bösiger family who lives on a farm. His foster...

Rosa Luxemburg (1986)

Rosa Luxemburg (1986)

Polish socialist and Marxist Rosa Luxemburg works tirelessly in the service of revolution in early 20th century Poland and Germany. While Luxemburg...

Waxworks (1924)

Waxworks (1924)

A poet is hired by the owner of a wax museum in a circus to write tales about Harun al Raschid, Ivan the Terrible and Jack the Ripper. While writing,...

Hut in the Woods (2011)

Hut in the Woods (2011)

Two misfit males, one man-child, one boy, find each other, building a small cabin in the woods to create a new life. Their daily struggle for...

Kein Sex ist auch keine Lösung (2011)

Kein Sex ist auch keine Lösung (2011)

The recruiter Tom Moreno are familiar with women and how they, after you won it for themselves, going on at the latest after the third time back to....

Winnetou - The Last Fight (2016)

Winnetou - The Last Fight (2016)

In Part Three, entitled "The Last Fight," gangster Santer Jr. attempts to seize an oil well on Indian territory. To prevent this, Winnetou and Old...

Hay Country Swingers (1971)

Hay Country Swingers (1971)

Sabine heads to church for confession, and soon is relating tales about the countryside tavern where she works.

Dead in 3 days (2006)

Dead in 3 days (2006)

When Nina and her high school friends receive eerie text messages declaring that they will all die within three days, they dismiss it as a hokey...

First Spaceship on Venus (1960)

First Spaceship on Venus (1960)

A mysterious magnetic spool found during a construction project is discovered to have originated from Venus. A rocket expedition to Venus is launched...

Lonely Wives (1972)

Lonely Wives (1972)

An oft-naked male reporter decides to do an expose on "sexual widows", housewives who are neglected by their busy husbands. - This cheaper sex film...

The Bridge (2008)

The Bridge (2008)

A group of German boys is ordered to protect a small bridge in their home village during the waning months of the second world war. Truckloads of...

Effi Briest (1974)

Effi Briest (1974)

When 17-year-old Effi Briest marries the elderly Baron von Instetten, she moves to a small, isolated Baltic town and a house that she fears is...

The Trapp Family (1956)

The Trapp Family (1956)

"The Trapp Family" is a true story based on the popular novel by the Baroness Von Trapp of Austria. The film was made in 1956, some years before the...

Princess Emmy (2019)

Princess Emmy (2019)

Princess Emmy has a secret gift – she is the only one in the kingdom of Kandis who can speak to horses. She has a wonderful time with her best...

Sleeping Beauty (1990)

Sleeping Beauty (1990)

A beautiful princess born in a faraway kingdom is destined by a terrible curse to prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a...