Bulgaria Movies Page 42

The most popular movies from Bulgaria page 42 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Bulgaria, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

120 minutes of great laughter with Tatyana Lolova (2007)

120 minutes of great laughter with Tatyana Lolova (2007)

The meeting with Tatyana Lolova is about the time on the screen and on the stage - with her roles in the theater, about working with colleagues and...

120 minutes of great laughter with Stoyanka Mutafova (2007)

120 minutes of great laughter with Stoyanka Mutafova (2007)

Confession of the actress Stoyanka Mutafova in a conversation about life and art, through footage from the Golden Fund of BNT - excerpts from...

Heirs (1970)

Heirs (1970)

The patriarch of a family dies, leaving his seven sons to fight for the inheritance.

No Adults Allowed (1987)

No Adults Allowed (1987)

Viola tries to gain the respect of her new classmates and experiences her first love.

Icarus from Kocherinovo (1969)

Icarus from Kocherinovo (1969)

Nikolai Popovski from Kocherinovo wished he could fly since he was a child. Without any proper training, he invents and builds the first Bulgarian...

Infernal Weapon (1982)

Infernal Weapon (1982)

A knight is tasked with finding a mystical weapon.

Inherited Crafts (2021)

Inherited Crafts (2021)

Documentary gathers together portraits of craftspeople in Stolipinovo - a large, racially segregated urban district in Bulgaria. The film shows a...

Mutual Heart (2021)

Mutual Heart (2021)

Bozhidar is a young, artistic photographer who produces T-shirts with suburban photo collages. One day he comes upon Victor the bully. Despite the...

The Land is on Fire (1937)

The Land is on Fire (1937)

Georgi Simov is a thief and an alcoholic. The police are looking for him. Simov squanders the stolen money in the pubs, while his wife and child lead...

Mountain Republic (2011)

Mountain Republic (2011)

Kornitsa and Breznitsa are two Muslim, Pomak, villages near Bulgaria's border with Greece. In the winter of 1973 the entire population of Kornitsa...

The Heart Dies Last (1991)

The Heart Dies Last (1991)

Documentary about the ex-secretary of the Bulgarian Communist Party - Traicho Kostov.

Kalin The Eagle (1950)

Kalin The Eagle (1950)

Constantinople, 1883. During an outing to the Black Island Edith, the adopted daughter of the French ambassador, is saved by Kalin the Eagle. She...

Bulgarians of the Old Days (1945)

Bulgarians of the Old Days (1945)

The middle of the 19th century. Hadzi Gencho's daughter Lila and Dyado's Liben son Pavlin are in love. Hadzhi Gencho is proud of his learning and of...

Esperantsa (1969)

Esperantsa (1969)

The film is based on the conflict of destructive and creative forces in humanity.

Animals Holiday (2021)

Animals Holiday (2021)

Animation based on a children’s song.

Marmalade (2020)

Marmalade (2020)

Sometimes, if you want to become a hero, you just have to fly. Innovation handmade embroidery animation.

Chickens (2012)

Chickens (2012)

Chickens struggle furiously with the wind. The stronger the pressure, the stronger the chickens move forward. Finally, it turns out that they are...

Horo Between Two Shores (2021)

Horo Between Two Shores (2021)

At the heart of "Horo between two shores" are little-known and already fading rituals in the Vlach villages in Northwestern Bulgaria and Serbia,...