Bulgaria Movies Page 7

The most popular movies from Bulgaria page 7 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Bulgaria, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Tilt (2011)

Tilt (2011)

TILT is a love story set against the backdrop of the changing political and social environment in Europe in the late 80's and early 90's. Can this...

Gotcha! (2018)

Gotcha! (2018)

Krum (45) is involved in a child trafficking group. Looking for his next victim he stumbles upon a little girl (5) who makes him his committed...

Operation Shmenti Capelli (2011)

Operation Shmenti Capelli (2011)

The title is based on the idiomatic expression "shmenti capelli" characterizing actions of people who like to shuffle and bamboozle others with...

Granitza (1994)

Granitza (1994)

There is a small frontier post. A soldier abiding by the rules of the system gradually turns into a murderer.

Adultery (2014)

Adultery (2014)

A boy starts an affair with his famous dad's young new wife - an instinctive way of victory of a confused soul over his parent's inadequacy. Ever...

Tobacco (1962)

Tobacco (1962)

Boris Morev dreams of money and power, he’ll do everything to reach the top, including leaving his beloved Irina, to marry the daughter of the...

Stolen Eyes (2005)

Stolen Eyes (2005)

This is a story of strange, impossible, inexplicable love between a Muslim Turk woman and a non-Muslim Bulgarian man. Ivan (the Bulgarian) is a pure...

Warming Up Yesterday's Lunch (2002)

Warming Up Yesterday's Lunch (2002)

High in the mountains of Macedonia a team of young film makers are making a documentary about Katerina Vandeva - a descendant of an ancient and very...

I Don't Like You (2022)

I Don't Like You (2022)

Azat is a Syrian refugee who is trying to get to Germany. While passing through Bulgaria, he is accused of attempted manslaughter over a child and...

BNT presents: Georgi Gospodinov in the Time Shelter (2023)

BNT presents: Georgi Gospodinov in the Time Shelter (2023)

A documentary about the Bulgarian writer Georgi Gospodinov, who won the International Booker Prize in 2023 for his novel Time Shelter.

Flying with Fins (2024)

Flying with Fins (2024)

Paintings, performances, experiments, electronic music sounding in the spaces of two old houses in a small Italian town, heated conversations about...

Kusturica - Balkan's Bad Boy (2012)

Kusturica - Balkan's Bad Boy (2012)

A film director, an actor, a musician, an organizer of festivals, a husband, a father, a grand-father, a friend, a professor... This film is an...

And Where Do We Go from Here? (1988)

And Where Do We Go from Here? (1988)

During an imaginary actors exam, in order to choose the best, the jury utilizes immoral ways of selection – spying, making conflicts, humiliating...

6 and 1 (In the Mind) (2017)

6 and 1 (In the Mind) (2017)

Saturday. Everything starts as usual with speeding motor bikes effortlessly towards: "wherever we go" The deep forest they find themselves in is...

Whale (1970)

Whale (1970)

A fishing boat comes back to the port. Fishermen are crestfallen, as they have caught only one very little fish. To save face, they fib they have 300...

Coziness (2019)

Coziness (2019)

Serious family relationships in a comedic aspect - fate, money, neighbors, the future, how we live, at what pace, what we give, what we want, how we...

Third Planet in the Solar System (1972)

Third Planet in the Solar System (1972)

The film is in 3 parts: 1) 'Eden' - Aliens from the planet Rhea have flown with a damaged spaceship to Earth, looking for intelligent beings. They...

Doomed Souls (1975)

Doomed Souls (1975)

The events of the film are related to the Civil War in Spain. This is a film about the beauty of love - exotic and tragic and the maze of human...

The Past-Master (1973)

The Past-Master (1973)

A research worker Robespier Galabov (Yakovlev) lives with his family in a small communal flat with shared kitchen and dreams about a self-contained...

French Cinema (2020)

French Cinema (2020)

In a small country town, in the room behind the screen at the local cinema, two women spend their time by writing letters to Alain Delon. Inspired by...