Belarus Movies Page 4

The most popular movies from Belarus page 4 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Belarus, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

How the Fox Judged the Wolf (1989)

How the Fox Judged the Wolf (1989)

About a wolf who gate crashes a wedding. Based on a Belorusian folk tale, although the decay of the Soviet Union at the time show through the pores...

Forgotten in Narvilishky (2014)

Forgotten in Narvilishky (2014)

A bitter twist of fate: during the drawing of demarcation lines between the Soviet Republics in 1939 nobody dared remove Stalin’s pipe from the...

165/60 (2014)

165/60 (2014)

Can one triumph over death when it always comes unexpectedly? It is too early to die no matter how old you are, isn't it? Autumn. An old village in a...

The Colours of a Nation (2021)

The Colours of a Nation (2021)

Belarusians did not even discuss under which flag to unite. Memory and respect for the white-red-white banner has always lived in their hearts, and...

Our Nice Good Brass Band (2018)

Our Nice Good Brass Band (2018)

One day, the artist Arthur makes up an adventure for himself - he goes to the village of Bocheikovo, to the former estate of Count Tykhonovetsky, in...

Around Belarus by Bicycles with Motors (2017)

Around Belarus by Bicycles with Motors (2017)

Two friends set off on a journey along the borders of Belarus on Chinese bicycles with gasoline engines. 47 days of travel, endless breakdowns and...

ChinChins Go Nuts! (2022)

ChinChins Go Nuts! (2022)

According to the plot, which is not inferior in intrigue to foreign analogues, honorary members of Chinchinchenel Sergey Nikolaevich and Nikolai...

Belarusian Dream (2011)

Belarusian Dream (2011)

A film about dreams and ambitions in the Belarus through the eyes of the younger generation. An insight into the recent history of Belarus and the...

Fighting the Shadow (2022)

Fighting the Shadow (2022)

The political situation in Belarus forced Dima to flee the country. Fearing for loved ones, she constantly keeps in touch with those who had to stay...

A Boy I Never Knew (2021)

A Boy I Never Knew (2021)

Structured as a series of vignettes drawn in stark black and white, and to a soundtrack of mournful jazz, the film is a set of confessions anchored...

All Activities According to the Plan (2019)

All Activities According to the Plan (2019)

The young man Denis Dashkevich is the director of the rural House of Culture in the agricultural town of Pobolovo, Rogachev district. In an attempt...

Polack Waltz (2018)

Polack Waltz (2018)

Vasil Granouski is 58. He's living in a village, where he leads a local choir. It consists of only elderly performers. The harmonic Vasil plays is...

The Wall (2022)

The Wall (2022)

The main character is in the Minsk pre-trial detention center on Volodarsky st., which in 2020 became the main place of imprisonment for people who...

The Wheel (2003)

The Wheel (2003)

Except for one family with a small child, only old people live in this half-empty village. A mobile shop comes there once a week, only immobility of...

Home is Where I Am? (2022)

Home is Where I Am? (2022)

A film about two times refugees and their ability to maintain creativity in a time of political terror, repressed culture and fatal bombings. The...