Democratic Republic of the Congo Movies Page 5

The most popular movies from Democratic Republic of the Congo page 5 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Democratic Republic of the Congo, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Mukami (2022)

Mukami (2022)

Set in Tharaka-Nithi county, Kenya, the Film is based on a young African girl's journey through life, as a Student in a Community that looks down...

Black Head Cow (2017)

Black Head Cow (2017)

In a rural Maasai village in Tanzania, a primary school girl is suddenly confronted by an arranged marriage.

Faith (2010)

Faith (2010)

A young woman who is handicapped after an accident becomes attached to an AIDS orphan.

Zanzibar Soccer Dreams (2016)

Zanzibar Soccer Dreams (2016)

The dawn of an era for women's football in Zanzibar. This film is a follow-up to the 2007 Zanzibar Soccer Queens which focused on Women Fighters...

White Potion (2016)

White Potion (2016)

People who seek wealth and success through local beliefs - A documentary on the hunting of people with albinism in Tanzania, where the hunter and the...

Pepo Kali (1969)

Pepo Kali (1969)

PEPO KALI follows Wairimu, a woman in her 50s, as she learns to ride a motorcycle after her daughter's fatal accident. As she grapples with grief,...

Mhuni (2016)

Mhuni (2016)

After being released from jail, Jitu decides to change his bad behavior and become a good person.

Monsoons Over the Moon (2015)

Monsoons Over the Moon (2015)

Set in a post-apocalyptic Nairobi, when the government has shut down the internet, books and the written word have become exponentially valuable and...

The Brick House (2016)

The Brick House (2016)

Coming from another country, there is a quest for belonging and an (im)possibility to completely feel at home.

The Chairman and the Lions (2012)

The Chairman and the Lions (2012)

As recently as forty years ago, most sections of the Maasai were semi-nomadic and relatively independent of the nation-state. However, political,...

Fishers of Dar (2001)

Fishers of Dar (2001)

Samaki wa Dar es Salaam/Fishers of Dar is an ethnographic film about the fishermen and women of downtown Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It explores the...

Pale peko bantu mambo ayikosake (2008)

Pale peko bantu mambo ayikosake (2008)

In this documentary, filmmaker Bram Van Paesschen takes us to Katanga province, in the south of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Back in the days of...

Kumekucha (1987)

Kumekucha (1987)

An area has become alive.

Morning After (1969)

Morning After (1969)

A young man endures the longest morning of his life upon discovering that his staunch Christian mother washed the clothes of his secret one-night...

Just wait I’ll give you a house (1982)

Just wait I’ll give you a house (1982)

Urban life can be difficult. Here we first follow a couple who encounter one problem after another as they hunt for a flat. The estate agent is a...

One Life Saved (1982)

One Life Saved (1982)

The "Flying Doctors' Service" is a mobile medical team that intervenes where health services are absent. When a villager becomes ill after eating...

Parapanda (1982)

Parapanda (1982)

The “Voice of Kenya” is the radio that symbolizes the country’s independence. Which means that being a producer there is no small issue. To get...

Railway Chakula (1982)

Railway Chakula (1982)

From inside the kiosk, you can hear the trains leaving for Nairobi. In this little restaurant, the customers with the lowest income have gathered to...