Central African Republic Movies Page 49

The most popular movies from Central African Republic page 49 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Central African Republic, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Soft Skin (1964)

The Soft Skin (1964)

Pierre Lachenay is a well-known publisher and lecturer, married with Franca and father of Sabine, around 10. He starts a love affair with air hostess...

Razzia (1955)

Razzia (1955)

Henri, the Man from Nantes, comes back to his country after a successful stay in the United States, where he was working for Liski, the drug dealer....

Summer Hours (2008)

Summer Hours (2008)

After the death of a septuagenarian woman, her three children deliberate over what to do with her estate.

A Christmas Tale (2008)

A Christmas Tale (2008)

When their regal matriarch falls ill, the troubled Vuillard family come together for a hesitant Christmastime reunion. Among them is rebellious...

Choice of Arms (1981)

Choice of Arms (1981)

Two men break out of prison; a rival gang ambushes them. One is mortally wounded and tells the other, Mickey, to take him to the estate of a retired...

Angelique and the King (1966)

Angelique and the King (1966)

Soon after her latest husband death, the King himself (Louis XIV) meets with our heroine and begs her to help convince the Persian Ambassador to...

Tintin and the Mystery of the Golden Fleece (1961)

Tintin and the Mystery of the Golden Fleece (1961)

After the death of Captain Thémistocle Paparanic, Captain Haddock's old friend, he inherits a ship called the Golden Fleece. Once Tintin and the...

Girlhood (2014)

Girlhood (2014)

Oppressed by her family setting, dead-end school prospects and the boys law in the neighborhood, Marieme starts a new life after meeting a group of...

Two Orphan Vampires (1997)

Two Orphan Vampires (1997)

A pair of teenage girls, who are blind by day, but when the sun goes down, they roam the streets to quench their thirst for blood.

Livid (2011)

Livid (2011)

Lucie, Ben and William search an old woman's home for a hidden treasure and they encounter a series of supernatural events that change them forever.

15 Minutes of War (2019)

15 Minutes of War (2019)

February 1976. Somalian rebels hijack a school bus carrying 21 French children and their teacher in Djibouti City. When the terrorists drive it to a...

Incredible But True (2022)

Incredible But True (2022)

Alain and Marie moved to the suburb house of their dreams. But the real estate agent warned them: what is in the basement may well change their lives...

He Even Has Your Eyes (2017)

He Even Has Your Eyes (2017)

Paul is married to Sali. Everything would be fine if they could get a child. Until the day when Sali receives the call that they have been waiting...

Mother Valley (2023)

Mother Valley (2023)

In 1958, while revolution is rumbling in Beirut, three sisters spend their holidays in an isolated village of Lebanese mountains: rebellious Nada,...

Gagarine (2020)

Gagarine (2020)

Yuri, 16, has lived all his life in Gagarin Towers, a vast red-brick housing project on the outskirts of Paris. He dreams of becoming an astronaut....

Shoah (1985)

Shoah (1985)

Director Claude Lanzmann spent 11 years on this sprawling documentary about the Holocaust, conducting his own interviews and refusing to use a single...

Fanny's Journey (2016)

Fanny's Journey (2016)

Fanny is a Jewish girl in a French orphanage in 1943. When she and her friends are no longer safe from the Nazis, they try to flee to Switzerland....

The Truth (1960)

The Truth (1960)

As Dominique Marceau is being tried for the murder of Gilbert Tellier, accounts by different witnesses paint a picture of the kind of relationship...

Fascination (1979)

Fascination (1979)

A runaway criminal breaks into an eerie chateau, taking its two frightened chambermaids hostage. As night falls, a group of mysterious aristocratic...

Mississippi Mermaid (1969)

Mississippi Mermaid (1969)

A tobacco planter on Réunion island in the Indian Ocean becomes engaged through correspondence to a woman he does not know. The woman that comes...