Switzerland Movies Page 45

The most popular movies from Switzerland page 45 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Switzerland, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

La Cage aux Folles II (1980)

La Cage aux Folles II (1980)

In a move to make his partner, Renato, jealous, the flamboyant Albin waits in a local cafe - dressed as a woman - hoping to be picked up. But Albin...

Untamable Angelique (1967)

Untamable Angelique (1967)

Angelique goes in search of her husband Joffrey de Peyrac who did not die on the stake.

Gemma Bovery (2014)

Gemma Bovery (2014)

Martin, an ex-Parisian well-heeled hipster passionate about Gustave Flaubert who settled into a Norman village as a baker, sees an English couple...

The Best Job in the World (1996)

The Best Job in the World (1996)

To be closer to his children following his divorce, Laurent Monier, a history and geography teacher in a peaceful provincial high school, accepts a...

Tied (2013)

Tied (2013)

A banker strikes up a sadomasochistic relationship with a mistress.

Family Is Family (2018)

Family Is Family (2018)

Valentin D is a hot designer architect who claims to be an orphan because he is too ashamed to admit he is the son of working-class scrap metal...

My King (2015)

My King (2015)

Tony is admitted to a rehabilitation center after a serious ski accident. Dependent on the medical staff and pain relievers, she takes time to look...

What the Day Owes the Night (2012)

What the Day Owes the Night (2012)

Algeria, the 1930s. Younes is nine years old when he is put in his uncle's care in Oran. Rebaptized Jonas, he grows up among the Rio Salado youths,...

BDE (2023)

BDE (2023)

The story of four lifelong friends who met in the 2000s when they were presidents of the BDE of the Nantes Institute of Business. At the time, they...

The Guide to the Perfect Family (2021)

The Guide to the Perfect Family (2021)

A couple in Québec deals with the pitfalls, pressure and high expectations of raising kids in a society obsessed with success and social media image.

Intimate Strangers (2004)

Intimate Strangers (2004)

Because she picked the wrong door, Anna ends up confessing her marriage problems to a financial adviser named William Faber. Touched by her distress,...

Cyrano, My Love (2018)

Cyrano, My Love (2018)

Paris, France, December 1897. The young playwright Edmond Rostand feels like a failure. Inspiration has abandoned him. Married and father of two...

Scribe (2016)

Scribe (2016)

Two years after a burn-out, Duval is still unemployed. Contacted by an enigmatic businessman, he is offered a simple and well-paid job: transcribing...

Atlantics (2019)

Atlantics (2019)

Arranged to marry a rich man, young Ada is crushed when her true love goes missing at sea during a migration attempt — until a miracle reunites...

Nicholas on Holiday (2014)

Nicholas on Holiday (2014)

It's the end of the school year. The long-awaited moment of the holidays is arrive. The little Nicolas, her parents and Grandma take the road towards...

Mood Indigo (2013)

Mood Indigo (2013)

A woman suffers from an unusual illness caused by a flower growing in her lungs.

Jaguar (1996)

Jaguar (1996)

A shaman from the South American rain forest visits France for a public relations campaign. In a hotel's elevator in Paris he meets a French...

Eden Log (2007)

Eden Log (2007)

A man wakes up deep inside a cave. Suffering amnesia, he has no recollection of how he came to be here or of what happened to the man whose body he...

Someone, Somewhere (2019)

Someone, Somewhere (2019)

Rémy and Mélanie live next door to each other in Paris but have never met. The two thirty-year-old Parisians search for connections online, but...

Vjeran Tomic: The Spider-Man of Paris (2023)

Vjeran Tomic: The Spider-Man of Paris (2023)

In his own words, the burglar behind the 2010 robbery of the Paris Museum of Modern Art tells how he pulled off the biggest art heist in French...