Cameroon Movies Page 50

The most popular movies from Cameroon page 50 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Cameroon, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Malabar Princess (2004)

Malabar Princess (2004)

A man leaves his 8-year old son with his father-in-law who lives near the glacier where the boy's mother died.

Budapest (2018)

Budapest (2018)

Two best friends stuck in boring jobs become bachelor party planners in Budapest.

Lola Montès (1955)

Lola Montès (1955)

Lola Montes, previously a great adventuress, is reduced to being the attraction of a circus after having been the lover of various important men.

He Loves Me… He Loves Me Not (2002)

He Loves Me… He Loves Me Not (2002)

A talented art student named Angélique is passionately in love with Dr. Loïc Le Garrec, a handsome married man whom she believes will leave his...

Stuck Together (2021)

Stuck Together (2021)

Seven families live in the Parisian apartment building at 8, Rue de l’Humanite - and they didn’t escape to the countryside at the arrival of the...

A Good Doctor (2019)

A Good Doctor (2019)

On Christmas eve, Serge is the only on-call emergency doctor available. Struck by a crippling back-ache, he gets help from a pizza delivery boy who...

The Trouble with You (2018)

The Trouble with You (2018)

Detective Yvonne is the widow of police chief Santi, a local hero in a town on the French Riviera. When she learns he was in fact a crooked cop, she...

Two Men in Town (1973)

Two Men in Town (1973)

A former bank robber is released after 10 years in prison. He gets help from a social-worker, but gets harassed by an old cop from his past.

Sira (2023)

Sira (2023)

After a brutal attack, a young nomad named Sira refuses to surrender to her fate without a fight and instead takes a stand against Islamist terror. A...

Them (2006)

Them (2006)

Lucas and Clementine live peacefully in their isolated country house, but one night they wake up to strange noise. They're not alone... and a group...

Three Days and a Life (2019)

Three Days and a Life (2019)

Christmas 1999, in a peaceful little village in the Ardennes. The life of a young boy named Antoine will soon be devastated by three tragic events :...

F for Fake (1973)

F for Fake (1973)

Documents the lives of infamous fakers Elmyr de Hory and Clifford Irving. De Hory, who later committed suicide to avoid more prison time, made his...

The Return of Martin Guerre (1982)

The Return of Martin Guerre (1982)

Village of Artigat, southern France, summer 1542, during the reign of Francis I. Martin Guerre and Bertrande de Rols marry. A few years later,...

Chronicle of a Summer (1961)

Chronicle of a Summer (1961)

Paris, summer 1960. Anthropologist and filmmaker Jean Rouch and sociologist and film critic Edgar Morin wander through the crowded streets asking...

A Tale of Love and Desire (2021)

A Tale of Love and Desire (2021)

Ahmed, 18, is French of Algerian origin. He grew up in the Parisian suburbs. On the benches of the university, he meets Farah, a young Tunisian full...

Cannibal Terror (1980)

Cannibal Terror (1980)

After botching a kidnapping, two criminals hide with their victim in a friends house in the jungle. After one of them rapes the friend's wife,...

Tomorrow (2015)

Tomorrow (2015)

Climate is changing. Instead of showing all the worst that can happen, this documentary focuses on the people suggesting solutions and their actions.

Marius (2013)

Marius (2013)

"Marius" takes place in Marseilles' Old Port, at the La Marine Bar, owned by César and his son Marius. Marius' biggest dream is to embark on one of...

Max and the Junkmen (1971)

Max and the Junkmen (1971)

Max is a Paris detective, aloof, independently wealthy, and frustrated by gangs of robbers whom he cannot catch. To re-establish his stature and save...

TRAPPED (2024)

TRAPPED (2024)

Tim is sitting on a chair. His breath intensifies, his eyes close, he tries to survive. Anxiety: Violent pain/Mental and physical discomfort, born...