Colombia Movies Page 46

The most popular movies from Colombia page 46 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Colombia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Under Therapy (2023)

Under Therapy (2023)

Three married couples undergoing therapy are summoned by their female psychologist to a meeting. The psychologist won’t be attending the reunion...

Airbag (1997)

Airbag (1997)

Mommy's boy Juantxo is engaged. Dragged to the party by his friends Konradin and Paco, he loses his expensive wedding ring inside the body of a...

Paraiso Travel (2008)

Paraiso Travel (2008)

Marlon Cruz, a young Colombian man who motivated by his girlfriend Reina, leaves his comfortable life in Medellin and flees with her through...

El analfabeto (1961)

El analfabeto (1961)

Inocencio Prieto y Calvo receives a letter telling him he is the heir to his uncle's fortune of two million pesos. Not being able to read he has no...

Dawn Breaks, Which Is No Small Thing (1989)

Dawn Breaks, Which Is No Small Thing (1989)

Teodoro, a Spanish engineer working as a professor in the United States, returns to Spain to enjoy a sabbatical year.

Born to Win (2016)

Born to Win (2016)

Encarna, a thirtysomething girl of Móstoles (Madrid) is trapped in a life without changes, at the side of her lifelong boyfriend and with a job...

Eagle and Jaguar, The Legendary Warriors (2022)

Eagle and Jaguar, The Legendary Warriors (2022)

In a post-apocalyptic future in which water has almost disappeared, two young survivors travel back in time to find the mythical power of the...

Divine Intervention (2023)

Divine Intervention (2023)

Checo and Chuma decide to use their criminal skills to do good and help people. Along the way, they learn that friendship and love are more than just...

DIVE (2022)

DIVE (2022)

Mariel is a veteran elite diver who has one last chance at the Olympic Games. However, when a terrible truth comes to light, Mariel faces her biggest...

Jauja (2014)

Jauja (2014)

A father and daughter journey from Denmark to an unknown desert that exists in a realm beyond the confines of civilization.

The Zone (2007)

The Zone (2007)

Residents of an enclosed neighborhood in the middle of Mexico DF are shocked by a violent crime, and for one resident in particular, young Alejandro,...

The Pearl Button (2015)

The Pearl Button (2015)

The ocean contains the history of all humanity. The sea holds all the voices of the earth and those that come from outer space. Water receives...

The Man from Rome (2022)

The Man from Rome (2022)

A computer hacker penetrates Vatican security and sends an urgent anonymous plea to the pope. Handsome Father Quart, of the church's Institute of...

The Silence of the Sky (2016)

The Silence of the Sky (2016)

After being a victim of rape within their own home, Diana chooses to keep the trauma secret. Mario, her husband, also has something to hide. The...

Running Out of Time (1994)

Running Out of Time (1994)

Days before committing an attack, Antonio, a gunman of the terrorist gang ETA who has dedicated his life to a cause he no longer believes in, meets...

Human Animals (2020)

Human Animals (2020)

The harmony of a seemingly idyllic neighborhood is disrupted when a dog attacks a young girl.

Luz: The Flower of Evil (2019)

Luz: The Flower of Evil (2019)

In the thickness of the mountains, in an isolated community led by a preacher known as El Señor, a presumed new Messiah is brought, unleashing a...

Boogie (2009)

Boogie (2009)

Hoping to make some money, Boogie, a violent and ruthless assassin, kidnaps a witness a mafia boss wants dead.

Even the Wind Is Afraid (1968)

Even the Wind Is Afraid (1968)

A group of college students, led by Claudia, decide to investigate a local tower that has figured prominently in disturbing reoccurring dreams...

Killing Machine (1984)

Killing Machine (1984)

After a gang of thugs brands a hard working truck driver a traitor and murders his bride, He retaliates by being even more violent than his...