Cape Verde Movies Page 49

The most popular movies from Cape Verde page 49 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Cape Verde, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Invisible Hero (2019)

Invisible Hero (2019)

Duarte, a visually impaired fifty-year-old, sets out to look for Leandro, his Cape Verdean friend. Despite the heat of a Lisbon summer, Duarte...

Extinction (2018)

Extinction (2018)

The end of the Cold War did not bring about a definitive thaw in the former republics of the Soviet Union, so that today there are several frozen...

Island of Loves (1982)

Island of Loves (1982)

This film depicts the life of the 19th-century Portuguese writer Wenceslau De Moraes by means of nine ancient ballads from China. The writer married...

The Fortunate Ones (2024)

The Fortunate Ones (2024)

Algarve, late 90s. Following the death of her grandmother, Milene - a strong young woman full of life despite a slight mental handicap - divides her...

Rio, 100 Degrees F. (1955)

Rio, 100 Degrees F. (1955)

On a scorching summer day in Rio de Janeiro, five impoverished black boys venture out of their favela to peddle peanuts throughout the bustling city....

A Princesa Xuxa e os Trapalhões (1989)

A Princesa Xuxa e os Trapalhões (1989)

The diabolical Ratam (Paul Reis) takes over the planet Antar, after the death of the emperor, and orders that all children be enslaved. Always kept...

Paranóia (1976)

Paranóia (1976)

Four thieves enter a house and terrorize a family.

Rádio Pirata (1987)

Rádio Pirata (1987)

A couple is charged with murdering a friend after discovering a fraud scheme at a data-processing center. They hide in a van, where they set up a...

Malasartes e o Duelo com a Morte (2017)

Malasartes e o Duelo com a Morte (2017)

Small-town trickster Pedro Malasartes has to face two great enemies: Próspero, who will do anything to impede such a lazy, cowardly person like...

Mato Sem Cachorro (2013)

Mato Sem Cachorro (2013)

The day a man almost runs-over a puppy, he meets the love of his life. The couple and their dog live the dream, until she wants out.

Luccas Neto in: Summer Camp (2019)

Luccas Neto in: Summer Camp (2019)

Luccas and Gi are heading to a world famous gymkhana camp. Only problem: so are their bullies... A fun musical that will get you in a vacation mood.

Edifício Paraíso (2017)

Edifício Paraíso (2017)

Over the course of one night, the trivial squabbles of five couples from the same apartment building escalate into potentially relationship-ending...

Clouds (1992)

Clouds (1992)

Tomás is a young teenager who fights for the leadership of a small marginal group. One night, in the world that he cannot control, his fallout leads...

Hashtag (2022)

Hashtag (2022)

The story of Bia Leal, a successful blogger who is getting ready for a party celebrating her five million followers. However, a serious mistake...

The Age of the Earth (1980)

The Age of the Earth (1980)

Drawing inspiration from a poem penned by Castro Alves, this film vividly captures the political, cultural, and intellectual climate of Brazil during...

Entrei em Pânico ao Saber o Que Vocês Fizeram na Sexta-Feira 13 do Verão Passado - Parte 2: A Hora da Volta da Vingança dos Jogos Mortais de Halloween (2011)

Entrei em Pânico ao Saber o Que Vocês Fizeram na Sexta-Feira 13 do Verão Passado - Parte 2: A Hora da Volta da Vingança dos Jogos Mortais de Halloween (2011)

Seven years after the massacre of the first film, the survivors Niandra and Eliseu still fear the return of Geison, the terrible psychopath who...

Frankenstein Punk (1986)

Frankenstein Punk (1986)

The story of Frank, a different creature, born to the song "Singing in the rain", that goes in search of happiness.

Buccaneer Soul (1993)

Buccaneer Soul (1993)

50 years of Brazilian history seen from the point of view of a friendship among two intellectuals.

Desmundo (2002)

Desmundo (2002)

The story of Orisbela, a young and religious woman who comes from Portugal to Brazil to marry Francisco de Albuquerque, a rude sugar-cane plantation...