Denmark Movies Page 8

The most popular movies from Denmark page 8 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Denmark, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Speed Walking (2014)

Speed Walking (2014)

In a quirky, small town, situated in the outskirts of everything, 14-year-old Martin is getting ready for one of the most formal transitions from boy...

Boy (2011)

Boy (2011)

18-year old Christian has just graduated from high school. At his summer job he is seduced by the 36-year old single mother Sanne. Soon he is drawn...

Medea (1989)

Medea (1989)

It is an adaptation of the Greek tragedy Medea from Euripides, a version where the Gods willing and intervations are absent. Medea is the tragic...

Winter Brothers (2017)

Winter Brothers (2017)

A brother odyssey set in a workers' environment during a cold winter. We follow two brothers - their routines, habits and rituals - and a violent...

The Boy Who Wanted to Be a Bear (2002)

The Boy Who Wanted to Be a Bear (2002)

When a boy child is stolen by bears who raise him as their own, his human parents hunt the bears in despair, and the boy is faced with the dilemma of...

Fantasten (2017)

Fantasten (2017)

When Claus, a car salesman and a passionate gambler, gets his 19-year-old son Silas mixed up in considerable gambling debts owed to criminals, he is...

The Woman Who Dreamed of a Man (2010)

The Woman Who Dreamed of a Man (2010)

A famous Danish artist and fashion photographer who leads an eventful life and is always travelling, meets a man who immediately awakens strong...

The Inheritance (2003)

The Inheritance (2003)

A young Danish man, Christoffer, lives a life of joy and happiness with his wife Maria in Stockholm. When his father dies his mother insists that...

Submarino (2010)

Submarino (2010)

As children, Nick and his little brother take care of their baby brother while their mother drinks herself senseless. But the baby dies, and both...

The Quiet Migration (2023)

The Quiet Migration (2023)

Carl is expected someday to take over his parents’ agribusiness in a rural backwater in Denmark. But, as an adopted child, he also longs to learn...

Satisfaction 1720 (2016)

Satisfaction 1720 (2016)

Set in the year 1720, the story is about what happens to 29-year-old Tordenskiold when the Great Northern War ends and he doesn't know what to do...

The Blessing (2009)

The Blessing (2009)

Overwhelmed and extra-sensitive, Katrine has a hard time coping when her more relaxed boyfriend, Andreas, takes a business trip just days after the...

Mother at War (2020)

Mother at War (2020)

1918. World War I rages in Europe while Erna Jensen tends to her ordinary life at home in Bramstrup, with her simple-minded son, Kalle. One day the...

Sons of Denmark (2019)

Sons of Denmark (2019)

Denmark, in the near future. One year after a major bomb attack in Copenhagen, political radicalization has intensified and ethnic tensions are...

Black Harvest (1993)

Black Harvest (1993)

Family drama set in the Danish countryside in the turn of the century. A wealthy landowner is an evil and corrupt womaniser with several illegitimate...

The Kiss (2022)

The Kiss (2022)

A romantic drama set in Denmark in 1913, the story follows Anton, a noble and conscientious young man whose top priority is to complete his training...

The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar III: The Mystery of the Snake Crown (2008)

The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar III: The Mystery of the Snake Crown (2008)

The snake crown is stolen (or taken back) from the Knight Templars by the earth worshippers of Crete; the three kids try to retrieve it on behalf of...

The Shooter (2013)

The Shooter (2013)

The five days when Copenhagen was held in a panic grip by an intelligent activist and former elite shooter, who takes to arms when a woman journalist...

Pretty Young Thing (2022)

Pretty Young Thing (2022)

It’s a new school year and at Rosenholm High School there are many initiation rituals that the new first-year students must go through, which are...

The Chosen 7

The Chosen 7

The couple of Rikke and Bo feel very lucky when they offer them a huge but dilapidated luxury apartment in Copenhagen. To pay for the necessary...

Location, location, location

Location, location, location

With all their experience and expertise, the experts Sara Lygum and Christian Borregaard help Danes looking for a home to find their dream home.



A 17-year-old girl's world is turned upside down when she and her friends make a disturbing discovery in their quiet Danish town.

Yes No Maybe

Yes No Maybe

Ever since his girlfriend left him for a more successful man, Mads has become a pathetic and depressed version of himself. Trying to reboot his...

Better Times

Better Times

Krøniken is a Danish television drama which aired on Sunday evenings between January 2004 and January 2007. The 22-episode series relates the lives...

Kender du typen

Kender du typen

Follow lifestyle experts try to guess which famous person is the weeks guest, solely based on their home

My Different Ways

My Different Ways

Vitus is stuck in a rut until he meets the optimistic and adventurous Emma. The two start a relationship, but Vitus leaves out the detail that his...

Baby Fever

Baby Fever

When a fertility doctor drunkenly inseminates herself with her ex-boyfriend's sperm, she scrambles to explain her pregnancy — and win back her lost...

Pyrus: The Greatest Santa Clause

Pyrus: The Greatest Santa Clause

Pyrus is a young elf who lives in The Danish National Archives, where Chief Archivist Birger Bertramsen work alongside his new assistant Josefine...