Dominican Republic Movies Page 46

The most popular movies from Dominican Republic page 46 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Dominican Republic, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Severina (2017)

Severina (2017)

A melancholic, aspiring writer and bookseller is shaken by the appearances and disappearances of his newfound muse who steals books from his...

Desconectados (2022)

Desconectados (2022)

Victoria, a mother addicted to the internet and work, is completely disconnected from her two teenage children, Clara and Julián. Just when he is...

Leftie (2003)

Leftie (2003)

Futuristic movie about Alejandro, a gifted left-handed child marble player who must win a competition as the entire town's hopes - and money - rest...

Highway Patrolman (1991)

Highway Patrolman (1991)

A naïve rookie in the Mexican highway patrol must adapt in order to survive as he contends with widespread corruption, dangerous drug runners and...

Fat People (2009)

Fat People (2009)

"GORDOS" is a comedy about life's excesses and deficiencies; about our insecurities, phobias, obsessions, traumas, mistakes, fears, blame, desires,...

Invasión (2024)

Invasión (2024)

Three stories intertwine to form a vision of war in a narrative kaleidoscope that transcends space and time. The seven characters of the play will...

The (Almost) Legends (2023)

The (Almost) Legends (2023)

A colorful Mexican town. Two half brothers. Romeo and Preciado meet again to honor their dad's memory in a car rally full of adrenaline and banda...

Chaotic Ana (2007)

Chaotic Ana (2007)

Ana, a teenager artist, is raised in Ibiza by her German father Klaus in a naturalist lifestyle. She meets Justine, who invites her to move to Madrid...

El Planeta (2021)

El Planeta (2021)

Amidst the devastation of post-crisis Spain, mother and daughter bluff and grift to keep up the lifestyle they think they deserve, bonding over...

Eagle and Jaguar, The Legendary Warriors (2022)

Eagle and Jaguar, The Legendary Warriors (2022)

In a post-apocalyptic future in which water has almost disappeared, two young survivors travel back in time to find the mythical power of the...

Mother (2017)

Mother (2017)

An everyday conversation between Marta and her mother turns into a tragic race against the clock when Marta receives a phone call from Iván, her...

Crónicas (2004)

Crónicas (2004)

A suspense thriller about a reporter from Miami who travels to Ecuador in pursuit of a serial killer known as the "Monster of Babahoyo."

Endless Poetry (2016)

Endless Poetry (2016)

A portrait of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s young adulthood, set in the 1940s and 50s, in the electric capital city of Santiago. There, he decides to...

Gods (2008)

Gods (2008)

A Peruvian teen lusts after his wild sister while the new wife of their difficult, wealthy father tries to hide her lower-class background.

Femdom: Female Dominance (2017)

Femdom: Female Dominance (2017)

Sael Farás takes advantage of his position as Mexican Ambassador in South Africa to smuggle diamonds. He also has a secret affaire with a...

Por mis pistolas (1968)

Por mis pistolas (1968)

Fidencio Borer, an apothecary in a village on the northern border of Mexico, discovers some old title of a mine in Arizona and decides to claim them....

Afterparty (2013)

Afterparty (2013)

Martin is the star of "Camp Blood", a hit TV show and one of the biggest teen idols of the time. One morning wake up locked in a huge house after a...

Faster, Faster (1981)

Faster, Faster (1981)

Angela is a young waitress who turns her back on society when she meets and falls in love with Pablo, a reckless criminal delinquent. Along with...

It's Not You, It's Me (2010)

It's Not You, It's Me (2010)

Javier se ha casado con María, el amor de su vida, y ahora lo único que desea es estar feliz con ella el resto de su vida, pero el destino se la...

Outlaws (2021)

Outlaws (2021)

Introverted Girona student Nacho meets two delinquents from the city's Chinatown and gets caught up in a summer onslaught of burglaries and hold ups...