Algeria Movies Page 50

The most popular movies from Algeria page 50 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Algeria, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Min yajnn myn? (1981)

Min yajnn myn? (1981)

When his ex-wife cheated on him, Adham has a nervous breakdown. After getting treated in a mental institution, he goes to live with his sister and...

Bosta (2005)

Bosta (2005)

After 15 years in France, Kamal returns to his native Beirut and reassembles his dance crew, striving to modernize traditional Dabke routines.

Afreet Am Abdo (1953)

Afreet Am Abdo (1953)

Afreet Am Abdo

Summoning Amr's Guardian (2019)

Summoning Amr's Guardian (2019)

A child named Amr, the school's headmaster summons his guardian because of the problems he causes, but on the other hand his father Ragheb suffers...

Born to a Man (2016)

Born to a Man (2016)

An aspiring boxer Adham is thriving to become a successful professional. He falls in love with a girl, Mai, living in a slum, who suffers from her...

Roaming About (1997)

Roaming About (1997)

A young boy’s father goes off to war, leaving the family in the midst of the inevitable changes of regional and internal conflicts of 1940s Syria.

Forgotten (2024)

Forgotten (2024)

A short film about a writer trying to write a story, but he has an art block and struggling to write, but when he is looking for something to drink...

The Mother of All Lies (2024)

The Mother of All Lies (2024)

On a handmade set re-creating her Casablanca neighborhood, a young Moroccan filmmaker enlists family and friends to help unearth the troubling lies...

Abboud on the Border (1999)

Abboud on the Border (1999)

Abboud lives a reckless life with his two friends. He knows that he will not enter the army because he's an only child. But when his father marries...

The Father, Probably (2024)

The Father, Probably (2024)

We don't know much about our girl. We don't even know her name. She is involved in an accident where there were no witnesses. Her father takes this...

The Dawn (2006)

The Dawn (2006)

The film takes place in a coastal town where the locals are known for fishing and boat building. As it turns out, work in these two professions has...

Hello Shalaby (1969)

Hello Shalaby (1969)

a comedy play about a struggling theater cast seeking funding to show one of its plays, they stay in a hotel waiting for the financier, but they...

Lial (1982)

Lial (1982)

Naima escapes from her stepfather's house, and works in Sherazade's nightclub who gives her the artistic name 'Layal' and she becomes a famous...

Shouq (1976)

Shouq (1976)

Master Adam lives with his spoiled son Mokhtar and his third wife Shauq in Alexandria . His second son Ahmed returns back from abroad and Shauq tries...

Cinecitta (1969)

Cinecitta (1969)

Desperate by the refusal of the film commission, Chahine wonders how he will do to find the money necessary to achieve the police comedy he has in...

Ebn Al-Shaitan (1969)

Ebn Al-Shaitan (1969)

Ebn Al-Shaitan (Son of the Devil) a disguised serial killer who target men who leave their wives and kids and remarry.

Potato (2021)

Potato (2021)

Inspired by Van Gogh’s The Potato Eaters. Two families from the underprivileged class share one housing, the first family consists of the father,...