Western Sahara Movies Page 50

The most popular movies from Western Sahara page 50 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Western Sahara, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Le Serment (1963)

Le Serment (1963)

The Oath, a TV film produced by Algerian television in 1963 following the end of the war of independence, tells the story of young Algerians who...

My Mother (2019)

My Mother (2019)

Following the death of his mother, 9-year-old Elias goes to extreme lengths to naively bring her back from Jesus’ heaven all while defying his...

It Will be Chaos (2018)

It Will be Chaos (2018)

Part road-movie and part intimate portrait of lives in transit, IT WILL BE CHAOS unfolds between Italy and the Balkan corridor, intercutting two...

Pegasus (2010)

Pegasus (2010)

Zineb is a psychiatrist assigned to Rihana, a traumatized and pregnant young woman, who was raised as a son by her dictatorial father. Rihana's story...

Sayedat el kasr (1958)

Sayedat el kasr (1958)

A chance meeting at an auction brings together Sawsan, a working-class girl and Adel, heir to a vast fortune with several estates to his name. This...

Dear Son (2018)

Dear Son (2018)

Extremism slices through a Tunisian family with the realization that their teenage son has become an ISIS fighter.

O, Persecuted (2014)

O, Persecuted (2014)

Bombers flying over Palestine, PFLP soldiers, civilians taking cover in shelters; through footage from a 1974 film by Kassem Hawal, the oppressed...

Highly Dangerous Man (1991)

Highly Dangerous Man (1991)

In prison, Sayed Kabaka meets two of his closest friends, Bader and Mustapha. After getting out, Mustapha finds out that his wife died without...

Sugar Daddy (2023)

Sugar Daddy (2023)

Shawki starts an affair with a dancer, Natalia, and takes her on a weekend getaway in Sahl Hasheesh. When his sons find out about his secret, they...

Best Neighbors (2014)

Best Neighbors (2014)

A just-married couple moves into their new home, finding themselves at war with the kids next door, who seem determined to make their lives miserable.

Gone with No Return (1984)

Gone with No Return (1984)

Attia (Yehia al-Fakharani) works as a simple employee, after his mother-in-law threatens to break his engagement from her daughter because of his...

Tamaseeh El Nile (2022)

Tamaseeh El Nile (2022)

During a Nile cruise on a boat, an unexpected swindle occurs to one of the passengers, after which comical situations follow to reveal the truth.

Rayya and Sakina (1983)

Rayya and Sakina (1983)

In the 1920s, Azouz is a failed actor and his fiancée Folla works as a maid in the house of the chief of police in Alexandria, who's responsible for...

Laila's Birthday (2009)

Laila's Birthday (2009)

"At eight o'clock, it's Laila's birthday, okay?" Palestinian judge turned cab driver Abu Laila's wife reminds her husband. But on his young...

Shams El Zanaty (1991)

Shams El Zanaty (1991)

Seven Samurai adaptation directed by Samir Seif.

The Night (1992)

The Night (1992)

A young man aspires to follow in his father's footsteps and live up to his legacy of resisting the Zionist occupation. He reflects on his father's...

The Sun Birds (2002)

The Sun Birds (2002)

In a dramatic context, the work deals with the story of the new millennial generation in adolescence and youth, presenting their problems and the gap...

The Trap (1980)

The Trap (1980)

love story between a beautiful, miserable girl and a successful doctor

Festival bride (1954)

Festival bride (1954)

At the Mawlid, a group of brides and knights made of candy stand. One of these brides wishes for her to come to life so that she can practice dancing...