Georgia Movies Page 7

The most popular movies from Georgia page 7 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Georgia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Train Went on and on (2005)

The Train Went on and on (2005)

This is the story of the Tbilisi-Batumi train, which, due to a switchman's mistake, first enters the line of occupation of the Georgian region of the...

Crucified Island (1968)

Crucified Island (1968)

Based on true story of Georgian uprising on Texel. Insurrection of captured Soviet-Georgian soldiers conscripted into German Wehrmacht on Holland's...

Lake Paliastomi (1964)

Lake Paliastomi (1964)

Ivane, a Gurian peasant is struggling with social inequality, trying to feed an impoverished family, pay state and rent taxes with extreme physical...

Caucasian Prisoner (1975)

Caucasian Prisoner (1975)

Officer Zhilin, a Caucasus officer, receives a letter from his mother and returns home. He and another Russian officer are attacked by mountaineers,...

Record (1973)

Record (1973)

the movie about Record

Brides (2014)

Brides (2014)

Nutsa, a young mother, lives with her two children in a suburbs of Tblissi in Georgia. Her partner Goga is in prison. They get married, so she gains...

A Room of My Own (2022)

A Room of My Own (2022)

Tina, a young woman who has lost her way in life, rents a room from the vibrant Megi, thanks to whom she gradually starts to discover what it’s...

The Suram Fortress (1922)

The Suram Fortress (1922)

The legend of the Suram Fortress.

A Necklace for My Beloved (1971)

A Necklace for My Beloved (1971)

Three guys are living in a Dagestan aul, and all three are in love with the blue-eyed Serminaz. According to a mountaineers’ tradition, a young man...

Feola (1970)

Feola (1970)

A man is put in charge of organizing a children's soccer team, but he doesn't know anything about the sport.

Robinsonade, or My English Grandfather (1987)

Robinsonade, or My English Grandfather (1987)

The film tells a strange story, in flashback, about a British Telegraph Company’s engineer named Hughes appearing in a distant Guria village....

Three Sons-In-Law (1978)

Three Sons-In-Law (1978)

Kahi and Baadur get a letter from Berik, who sent them photographs of women and a letter in which he informs them that he has decided to marry one of...

Hotel Metalurg (2023)

Hotel Metalurg (2023)

Survivors of the Abkhaz-Georgian war find themselves under pressure to leave the disused luxury hotel where they have lived for more than 30 years.

The Little Incident (1975)

The Little Incident (1975)

A cult of diners, restaurants and an excessive eating prevails in the City of Joy. Different contests are held in cooking the Georgian cuisine....

The Nail in the Boot (1931)

The Nail in the Boot (1931)

Banned in the Soviet Union for its "negative" content and never released, Kalatozov was forced to retreat from filmmaking for seven years because of...

Chiatura (2021)

Chiatura (2021)

A cable car operator launches a personal battle against the entire city of Chiature, Georgia, after her husband is killed in an mining accident.

Tbilisi and Her Citizens (1976)

Tbilisi and Her Citizens (1976)

A sixteen novels about a life of a people in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia.

City of the Sun (2017)

City of the Sun (2017)

Up to 50 percent of the world’s manganese, a vital metal across the globe, used to be mined in Chiatura, in western Georgia. Today, it resembles an...

Everyone Needs Love (1980)

Everyone Needs Love (1980)

A graduate of a sewing school arrives in a Kakhetian village. Insisting on opening a fashion house there, the energetic and good-natured Makvala...

The Flood (1971)

The Flood (1971)

Georgia of the 1920s. An honest, charming, but naive fisherman Lado helps all those in need. And they benefit from his kindness, first of all the...