Croatia Movies Page 8

The most popular movies from Croatia page 8 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Croatia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Agony (1998)

Agony (1998)

To pay off his gambling debts, Lembach, an ex-officer of Austro-Hungarian army, extorts money from his wife Laura and her lover Krizovec. Krizovec...

Celestial Body (2000)

Celestial Body (2000)

When two enemy sides ex-change the captives in the middle of a minefield, a nameless man without identity and memory, subsequently named Jakov,...

Daddy (2011)

Daddy (2011)

A girl talks her boyfriend and her sister into traveling to the Lika backwoods. Their father, who abandoned the family years ago, lives there. Having...

Zagreb Cappuccino (2014)

Zagreb Cappuccino (2014)

Zagreb Cappuccino is the story of two best friends, Petra and Kika. Both women are in their early forties. Petra, in Zagreb, is getting divorced, and...

Dead Fish (2017)

Dead Fish (2017)

Drama set in a small provincial town in post-war Croatia about 20 locals who try to understand why one of their neighbors killed himself.

Animal Kingdom (2012)

Animal Kingdom (2012)

A short film set in the 1990s about a boy who collects Animal Kingdom stickers.

Delusion (1998)

Delusion (1998)

Joza, a middle-aged professional driver, offers Stella, a young and attractive prostitute, a ride from Zadar to Zagreb. Joza remembers his traumatic...

Long Dark Night (2004)

Long Dark Night (2004)

"Long Dark Night" follows the life of the fictional character Iva Kolar: his experiences as a Croatian University student, his role as a Partisan...

Srbenka (2018)

Srbenka (2018)

"Srbenka" is a film about peer violence toward children of different nationality in Croatia. It examines how the generation born after the war copes...

Love Life of a Gentle Coward (2009)

Love Life of a Gentle Coward (2009)

Sasa is an unsuccessful writer who works as a restaurant critic. His life starts to change when he meets and falls in love with Ines who works in a...

Children of the Fall (2013)

Children of the Fall (2013)

Man finds himself stuck in the moment between his wife's disappearance and new life created by his daughter and a new woman.

The Enchanting Porkers (2015)

The Enchanting Porkers (2015)

The movie "Swineherds" is a satirical anti-musical which deals with the phenomena of the media sensationalism that trivializes even the most serious...

Go, Yellow (2001)

Go, Yellow (2001)

Ivek and Kruno are best friends, both passionate supporters of a suburban Zagreb football club. When a nouveau riche businessman Čabraja enters the...

Two (2012)

Two (2012)

Croatia, 1993. Two marksmen - Robert, a Croat, and Stojan, a Serb - wander aimlessly through the desolate countryside. When their paths unexpectedly...

A Stranger (2013)

A Stranger (2013)

When Slavko's old friend Djulaga dies, Slavko feels obliged to go to the funeral. But in his hometown of Mostar, in Bosnia & Herzegovina, this...

Slow Surrender (2001)

Slow Surrender (2001)

Petar Gorjan is a 40-year-old successful propagandist and cynical strategist of consumerist society that is faced with family and identity crisis. He...

The Golden Years (1992)

The Golden Years (1992)

The crash of student strike, also the crash of "Croatian Spring" in December of 1971, causes a violent separation of its three participants: A member...

Safe Flight (2017)

Safe Flight (2017)

A married couple organizes a travel to Australia for the whole family. They decide to travel by two planes out of the fear of potential plane crash....

Savages (2022)

Savages (2022)

Zolja, Jasmin and Mali set out to rob a gas station in order to get money for a trip to the World Cup finals. Fleeing the police, they cross the...

The Chicken (2014)

The Chicken (2014)

As a present for her 6th birthday, Selma gets a live chicken. When she realises the animal is going to be killed to feed the family, she decides to...