Indonesia Movies Page 45

The most popular movies from Indonesia page 45 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Indonesia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Raped by Satan (2010)

Raped by Satan (2010)

After a sex addict commits suicide, a young woman feels a psychic disturbance and believes she's been raped by a demon.

After the Curfew (1954)

After the Curfew (1954)

A hero of revolution returns to civilian life to find the new society very different from the ideals he fought for.

Melukis Luka (2023)

Melukis Luka (2023)

Alisa, a team of curators and art dealers who live affluent lives, meets Henry, a painter and member of the Bio Khong Temple in Petak Sembilan who...

Buku Harianku (2020)

Buku Harianku (2020)

By her mother, Kila was entrusted to her grandfather who lived in the village. She then meets her old friend and involved in an unexpected adventure.

Dilema (2012)

Dilema (2012)

Dilemma is an omnibus film, five stories that depict dark side of Jakarta's underbelly. Jakarta's underground world that seldom to talk about, and...

Iman (2014)

Iman (2014)

An Ustad is leading a mass prayer. But something disrupts his concentration. How can he focus back to his prayer?

My Name is Dick (2008)

My Name is Dick (2008)

Tiara broke Bama's heart and changed Bama into a playboy. Bama and Tiara meet again. Bama's dating buddy dropped the curse so his penis could speak.

Ekskul (2006)

Ekskul (2006)

Joshua, a high school student, is a troubled adolescent. At school, he was the object of ridicule of Mike and his gang. He was hung on the school's...

Bising: Noise & Experimental Music in Indonesia (2014)

Bising: Noise & Experimental Music in Indonesia (2014)

Indonesian noise, the largest scene of extreme and independent music scene is the biggest in South-East Asia. This documentary gives an extensive...

Wolf (1981)

Wolf (1981)

People on an island are brutally murdered one by one by a mysterious stranger in this Indonesian Friday the 13th rip-off.

Garuda Di Dadaku (2009)

Garuda Di Dadaku (2009)

A talented 12-year-old boy dream of becoming a great soccer player despite his loving grandfather's stern disapproval.

Marriage in a Season (1976)

Marriage in a Season (1976)

Shot in dark colours and with an atmospheric treatment, the narrative is sketchy but the plot revolves around Koswara, a driver for Kardiman....

Whisper of the Dead (2021)

Whisper of the Dead (2021)

Aldi and Emma are a newlywed couple, Aldi from Indonesia and Emma from Malaysia. After getting married, they wanted to go on a honeymoon to Ipoh, but...

Anak Hoki (2019)

Anak Hoki (2019)

In his early teens, Ahok has to leave the comfort of his life in Belitung and start living independently in Jakarta. Ahok then gets to know Daniel,...

The Photograph (2007)

The Photograph (2007)

Sita is an escort at a karaoke bar who struggles to raise money to send her daughter out of the city to live with her grandmother and settle her...

Test Pack, You're My Baby (2012)

Test Pack, You're My Baby (2012)

A marriage counselor reels from his own marital woes when the struggle to start a family with his eager wife puts their marriage on shaky ground.

Death Knot (2021)

Death Knot (2021)

Hari, a young psychologist and his sister Eka, goes back to their village for the funeral of their estranged mother who committed suicide by hanging....

Rangsangan Gaib (2019)

Rangsangan Gaib (2019)

One night, Amanda realized her body covered in dirt. She heard Bram moaning next room. Turn out he's having sex with his ex-girlfriend's corpse,...

Eiffel... I'm in Love 2 (2018)

Eiffel... I'm in Love 2 (2018)

Twelve years into their long-distance relationship, things are about to change for Tita and Adit when Tita and her whole family move to Paris.