Iraq Movies Page 3

The most popular movies from Iraq page 3 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Iraq, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The White Helmets (2016)

The White Helmets (2016)

As daily airstrikes pound civilian targets in Syria, a group of indomitable first responders risk their lives to rescue victims from the rubble.

The Book of Sun (2020)

The Book of Sun (2020)

In 2010, at the peak of the Saudi YouTube movement, high school senior Husam finds himself drawn into the world of video production. He’s joined in...

The Worthy (2016)

The Worthy (2016)

A visually spectacular dystopian take on an Arab world torn apart by social disorder.

In Between (2016)

In Between (2016)

The film captures the daily duality of three young Palestinian women in Tel Aviv, caught between hometown tradition and big city abandon, and the...

Hounds (2023)

Hounds (2023)

In the working class suburbs of Casablanca. Hassan and Issam, father and son, try to survive from day to day, doing small deals for the local...

Sons of Rizk (2015)

Sons of Rizk (2015)

Four brothers committing crimes with a promise among them to stop someday. When a deal goes south, the older brother says it's enough, but the other...

Casanegra (2008)

Casanegra (2008)

A Moroccan-Norwegian co-production about the dark side of Casablanca (Casanegra). In a country where good virtues are the norm in public, Casanegra...

Beauty and the Dogs (2017)

Beauty and the Dogs (2017)

When Mariam, a young Tunisian woman, is raped by police officers after leaving a party, she is propelled into a harrowing night in which she must...

The People of the Cave (2024)

The People of the Cave (2024)

The epic tale of three people who wake up from their long sleep after three centuries, to find themselves in a different time other than the one in...

Zabana! (2012)

Zabana! (2012)

Algeria's entry for a Best Foreign Language Film Oscar, "Zabana" chronicles the life of Ahmed Zabana, a man who fought for Algerian freedom in the...

Badis (1989)

Badis (1989)

Story of two women in a small fishing village, a Spanish enclave on Moroccan territory. Touria is married to the school teacher, who suspects her of...

Dark Waters (1956)

Dark Waters (1956)

Ragab, a poor sailor, returns home to Alexandria after three years of absence, during which he tried to save money to marry his one true love,...

Pharaoh's War (2019)

Pharaoh's War (2019)

Yehia, known as Pharaoh, reassembles a group of six of his old friends, each with a unique combating skill, to travel to Syria under the pretense of...

Theeb (2014)

Theeb (2014)

In the Ottoman province of Hijaz during World War I, a young Bedouin boy experiences a greatly hastened coming of age as he embarks on a perilous...

Perfect Stranger (2022)

Perfect Stranger (2022)

Do we truly know one another? Every one of us has three lives: a public, a private and secret one. What we once stored in our memories is now being...

The Ambush (2021)

The Ambush (2021)

It is the winter of 2018, the men and women of the UAE military are deployed to provide aid. At the Mocha Base, spirits are high as three Emirati...

TAG (2023)

TAG (2023)

The film follows the lives of the twins Tag and Haroun, who go through many crises as their supernatural abilities cause many paradoxes to occur.

Escaping Tel Aviv (2009)

Escaping Tel Aviv (2009)

Salwa is living her worst nightmare when she wakes up to find herself in Israel, kidnapped by her husband whom she later learns is a Mossad officer....

Forbidden Zone (1974)

Forbidden Zone (1974)

A revolutionary militant is killed during the repression of May 1945. His son, who is unaware of the real circumstances of the murder, ends up being...

Shukran (2023)

Shukran (2023)

INSPIRED BY A TRUE STORY. In 2011 the Syrian people rise up against the Assad regime. When Dr. Haider, a pediatric heart surgeon, loses his brother...

The Red Zone

The Red Zone

As the archaeologist Yousef returns to Baghdad after years abroad, he soon finds himself embroiled in trouble after he kills the husband of his...

Manawi Al Basha

Manawi Al Basha

The story of the series revolves around a neighborhood in the city of Basra in southern Iraq.

Between Our People

Between Our People

Discover Iraq's hidden attractions, cultural heritage sites, and historical monuments as Bayn Ahlna takes us on another expedition through its rich...

Koshky Hanar

Koshky Hanar

The series deals with the issue of inheritance, which is one of the hottest issues in Kurdish society

حكايات قبل أن تنزل الآيات

حكايات قبل أن تنزل الآيات

The series deals with separate episodes of many important stories. Among these stories are (Sabra Al Yasser), (Faraj after hardship), the story of...

أشهى الموائد في مدينة القواعد

أشهى الموائد في مدينة القواعد

People speak the Arabic language in a wrong way, and hiccups spread among people, and people are so afraid of making a mistake and thus getting...



The Ammunitions series talks about the cultural and scientific heritage of the ancestors in a dramatic plot.

Stronger than love

Stronger than love

The events of the series deal in a romantic context with the story of a girl in her thirties, who faces several challenges following her separation...