Comoros Movies Page 5

The most popular movies from Comoros page 5 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Comoros, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

H Dabbour (2008)

H Dabbour (2008)

Film is in the form of satire, movie review the crises facing the Egyptian people, particularly the suffering of the popular classes . Belongs...

El Talata Yeshtghalonha (2010)

El Talata Yeshtghalonha (2010)

The events revolve around the conflict between the girl and three men at one time, resulting in a lot of comedy, dealing with the phenomenon of new...

In Syria (2017)

In Syria (2017)

A mother attempts to keep her family safe as war rages and a sniper lies in wait outside her home.

Sorry For Disturbance (2008)

Sorry For Disturbance (2008)

Hassan, a brilliant aviation engineer struggles with loneliness and depression while trying to design his exceptional project.

Gaza Mon Amour (2021)

Gaza Mon Amour (2021)

Gaza, today. Sixty-year-old fisherman Issa is secretly in love with Siham, a woman who works at the market with her daughter Leila. When he discovers...

The Present (2020)

The Present (2020)

On his wedding anniversary, Yusef and his young daughter set out in the West Bank to buy his wife a gift. Between soldiers, segregated roads and...

A Nose and Three Eyes (2024)

A Nose and Three Eyes (2024)

Dr. Hashem, a well-known plastic surgeon in his mid-forties, has been unable to commit to a romantic relationship for quite some time. Over the...

Ebb & Flow (2024)

Ebb & Flow (2024)

Determined to have her first kiss, a young teenage girl defies her tumultuous world in search of normalcy.

Scheherazade, Tell Me a Story (2009)

Scheherazade, Tell Me a Story (2009)

Heba is a TV presenter interested in broadcasting stories that touch on the everyday secret lives of women and the social injustices they face. Her...

Boshkash (2008)

Boshkash (2008)

An ex-goalkeeper starts working as a talent scout and travels all over the world in search of professional players to join Egyptian football clubs.

Sirens (2022)

Sirens (2022)

True to their name, Slave to Sirens — the first and only all-woman thrash metal band in the Middle East — are utterly magnetic. Amid a backdrop...

Shehata's Shop (2009)

Shehata's Shop (2009)

Shehata is the son of a modest gardener who saved all his money to open a fruit stand and named it after his favorite son. Shehata's siblings get so...

Layla M. (2016)

Layla M. (2016)

18-year-old Layla, a Dutch girl with Moroccan roots, joins a group of radical Muslims. She encounters a world that nurtures her ideas initally, but...

Chaos, This Is? (2007)

Chaos, This Is? (2007)

Hatem is a corrupt police officer, who loves his neighbor Nour, who in turn loves the prosecutor, Sherif. Hatem tries to win Nour’s attention even...

The Strangers' Case (2024)

The Strangers' Case (2024)

Over four centuries ago, William Shakespeare collaborated with others on a play about the historical figure Sir Thomas More. In it, he wrote a speech...

Wikalet El-Balah Market (1982)

Wikalet El-Balah Market (1982)

The events take place in Wikalet El-Balah, where Master Nehmatullah takes controls of the trade in the region by getting rid of her competitors. She...

Hounds (2023)

Hounds (2023)

In the working class suburbs of Casablanca. Hassan and Issam, father and son, try to survive from day to day, doing small deals for the local...

Bogeyman (2023)

Bogeyman (2023)

The events of the film revolve in one day around Sultan, a veteran criminal who was released from prison. But, he is surprised by the appearance of...

Lock Up Your Daughters (1980)

Lock Up Your Daughters (1980)

Dr. Raafat faces challenges and difficulties in raising his three daughters, Fawzia (Sanaa Younis), Soso (Shreihan) and Nadia (Ijlal Zaki).