Laos Movies Page 2

The most popular movies from Laos page 2 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Laos, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Melody of Change (2019)

Melody of Change (2019)

A Lao village finds harmony through music. Hongfa - a mysterious and beautiful young woman arrives in a Khmu and Hmong village in Northern Laos and...

Fly Sandy Fly (2022)

Fly Sandy Fly (2022)

A man's bird goes missing.

In the Shadows (2020)

In the Shadows (2020)

Director Xam Keodongdy follows a shadow puppet show troop in Laos, shedding light on a disappearing tradition. The members of the troop give a...

Moon City: The Rise of Ninja Attack (2018)

Moon City: The Rise of Ninja Attack (2018)

In a distant future a new society of peace and order comes under attack from an ancient Evil force. Only a young news reporter and her high flying...

Louis Loves Baitong (2016)

Louis Loves Baitong (2016)

Louis returns home to Vientiane to find his missing mother with Baitong's help. During their mission, they find love.

Expiration Date (2019)

Expiration Date (2019)

A love story about a man with an unnatural talent for seeing the end date in relationships. It’s not his instinct, it’s his nose hairs. Kai’s...

Another Love Story (2011)

Another Love Story (2011)

A couple is traveling to a resort, their car has problems, and when two men stop to help, a seemingly normal situation soon takes a new turn.

Absence of Sound (2022)

Absence of Sound (2022)

Noiy, a deaf boy struggling to survive on his own in Luang Prabang, takes refuge in a small school where he learns with other deaf children — and...

Birdsong (2022)

Birdsong (2022)

Birdsong is an intimate portrait of the dying whistled language of the Hmong people in northern Laos

Smack That Mosquito (2016)

Smack That Mosquito (2016)

Coming back home from an all-nighter, this young boy wasn't prepared for a mosquito visit...

Queerability (2019)

Queerability (2019)

This documentary explores the intersectional identities and experiences of Lao individuals who identify as LGBTQI and live with disabilities.

Khuannang (2014)

Khuannang (2014)

Khuannang, a girl from the countryside, moves to Vientiane to find a job. She starts working at the garment factory where her close friend Sisan...

The Anniversary (2017)

The Anniversary (2017)

A high society Lao boy formulates a plan to introduce his lower class girlfriend to his friends and family on their one-year anniversary.

Fate of the Girl (1960)

Fate of the Girl (1960)

First Laotian feature-length film.

Vientiane In Love (2015)

Vientiane In Love (2015)

Love stories of 5 different persons in Vientiane reflect nuanced and atypical relationships with romance, heartbreak and humor.

Surviving The Bombs: Children's Stories From Laos (2010)

Surviving The Bombs: Children's Stories From Laos (2010)

The survivors, three boys and one girl -- recount their experiences in a powerful new film produced by UNICEF Lao PDR and Handicap International...

The Tuk Tuk of the Fifth Kind (2018)

The Tuk Tuk of the Fifth Kind (2018)

A Tuk Tuk driver strongly believes that he is able to communicate with an alien from another star. The alien gives him a mission and promises to...

Really Love (2014)

Really Love (2014)

A married couple is tired of each other.

A Long Way Home (2017)

A Long Way Home (2017)

A Lao American young man, James, brings his father’s ashes to Laos to fulfill his last wish – to return home. His mom keeps telling him to stay...

The Last Voice (2018)

The Last Voice (2018)

A company holds a singing contest to search for a singer to be cast as an artist.