Lebanon Movies Page 50

The most popular movies from Lebanon page 50 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Lebanon, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Azima's Gang (2024)

Azima's Gang (2024)

Azima is a blind woman whose son's naivety may cause them to lose their home, so she decides to form a gang, hoping to save the situation.

Ouroboros (2017)

Ouroboros (2017)

This film is an homage to the Gaza Strip and to the possibility of hope beyond hopelessness. Ouroboros, the symbol of the snake eating its tail, is...

Hassan Terro (1967)

Hassan Terro (1967)

While he tries by all means to stay out of the bloody upheavals caused by the battle of Algiers, Hassan, an honest and naive father, unknowingly...

A woman's heart (1940)

A woman's heart (1940)

Khairiya is a wealthy girl engaged to her cousin Amin Al-Thara as well. Her family loses this wealth and the girl loses her fiancé, who refused to...

Ladies Barber (1960)

Ladies Barber (1960)

The film revolves around three friends, one of whom decides to develop his father's shop for shaving. It is divided into three sections: one for men,...

The Two Friends (1970)

The Two Friends (1970)

A strict father refuses to let his beautiful daughter marry the young pilot she loves, believing that the life of a pilot is filled with danger. The...

Ali and Alia (2019)

Ali and Alia (2019)

Ali and Alia are childhood neighbors that fell in love with each other, but bigger events occur in their lives which gets them separated. Ali seeks...

Bitter Day, Sweet Day (1988)

Bitter Day, Sweet Day (1988)

Aisha is a widow with five children, Sana, Suad, Lamia, Asmaa and Noor. The eldest got married to Orabi the carpenter, and are living in the family's...

An unfinished crime (1972)

An unfinished crime (1972)

The famous football player (Youssef) suffers a painful accident that ends his football future. He feels sad that the spotlight is diminishing on him....

Yema (2012)

Yema (2012)

A small abandoned house, isolated in the Algerian countryside. Here Ouardia has buried her son Tarik, a soldier possibly killed by his own brother...

Mr. Qeshta (1985)

Mr. Qeshta (1985)

The trader Sayyed Qeshta, is married to an infertile woman. One day, a playful girl starts approaching Qeshta after his money, and manages to make...

Al Avokato (1983)

Al Avokato (1983)

After getting sentenced with one month in prison for contempt of court, the lawyer Sbankh tries to take advantage of his jail time to establish many...

Muhimma Fi Film Qadeem (2012)

Muhimma Fi Film Qadeem (2012)

A fame-seeking young man who considers himself a great talent imagines that he is spending his evenings with the late singer Abdel Halim Hafez who...

The Bad Guys (1970)

The Bad Guys (1970)

An adventure of money, love and betrayal in the deserts of Egypt at the site of El Alamein battle of WWII. Great locations and photography and non...

A woman is a woman (1978)

A woman is a woman (1978)

Kamal, a businessman, travels to Beirut and meets an Egyptian girl. He proposes to her, asks for her hand, and marries her, but when he returns to...

Love Alone is Not Enough (1981)

Love Alone is Not Enough (1981)

A young couple tries to make a living through freelance. The woman meets her former classmate who became a rich widow and asks for her help to find...

Adam's Autumn (2002)

Adam's Autumn (2002)

The movie revolves around the theme of "Vendetta" which lies within Adam since his son was killed on his wedding ceremony. He waits for 20 years to...

Atfarag Yasalam (2001)

Atfarag Yasalam (2001)

Maged, Hisham and Medhat are three friends. Medhat succeeds in finding work at a (tourist resort) in Sinai while Maged fails to (get together) with...