Sri Lanka Movies Page 4

The most popular movies from Sri Lanka page 4 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Sri Lanka, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Doosra (2022)

Doosra (2022)

Massive development projects are threatening the traditional livelihoods of remote, agricultural villages of Sri Lanka. Rathi and Anil are lovers...

Temporal (2022)

Temporal (2022)

On a tragic night, a physicist challenges the limits of time travel to save the woman he loves, but soon discovers its inherent dangers are far...

The Kite (1979)

The Kite (1979)

The film deals with the inter-ethnic, communal violence between Sinhalese and Tamils. It demonstrates the ambivalence of the Sinhala socio-political...

Sihinayaki Adare (2024)

Sihinayaki Adare (2024)

Three love stories of four people having unexpected endings

Suriya Arana (2004)

Suriya Arana (2004)

A secret friendship is developed between the two boys, a young disciple and a son of a hunter in a remote village.

Visal Adare (2024)

Visal Adare (2024)

Visal Adare promises an enchanting and emotional movie experience, exploring the depths of love, friendship and forgiveness. Be captivated by the...

Let Her Cry (2016)

Let Her Cry (2016)

When an alluring young undergrad becomes infatuated with her nearly retired professor, she stirs up the man's humdrum home life in a most unusual way.

Siri Parakum (2013)

Siri Parakum (2013)

The 1st queen of the king dies in child birth, the prince survives. After the 2nd queen, gives birth to a new prince, she plots to kill the 1st...

Friends (2007)

Friends (2007)

Yahaluvo (Friends) (යහළුවෝ), also known as Yahaluwo, is a 2007 Sinhala romantic drama film. It was directed by Sumitra Peries, produced...

Maya 3D (2016)

Maya 3D (2016)

Malan is a jobless 25 year-old youth who spends his days playing cricket with friends. He suffers from an irrational fear of ghosts and retreats to...

Cindrella - සින්ඩ්‍රෙල්ලා (2016)

Cindrella - සින්ඩ්‍රෙල්ලා (2016)

Chandula and his two friends have planned a holiday at a luxury hotel. On their day of the visit, they see a beautiful girl (Isanka) at the hotel and...

The Garden (2003)

The Garden (2003)

The calm, dull marriage of a young woman and her much older husband is disturbed when the man's younger brother arrives at their home.

Kosthapal Punyasoma (2014)

Kosthapal Punyasoma (2014)

A police officer, constable Punyasoma hunts an underworld gangster who is involved in a kidnapping of a rich woman.

Sack of Vijayabahu (2019)

Sack of Vijayabahu (2019)

In the 16th century Kingdom of Kotte, a young woman falls in love with a spy despite her engagement to a soldier.

Bahubuthayo (2002)

Bahubuthayo (2002)

Two young journalists fight against an evil spirit.

Pissu Double (2002)

Pissu Double (2002)

Jackie and Vikie steal money from a charity box in their village and run away. They arrive in Colombo and stay in a hotel where Jackie falls in love...

Night Rider (2022)

Night Rider (2022)

The theme of the film revolves around a series of unexpected events that a taxi driver in Colombo has to face when a journalist gets into his car and...

The Outcast (1998)

The Outcast (1998)

A lonely widowed water-gate keeper is attracted to the lonely young wife of a soldier who is away at the battlefront. Their passionate need for each...

Machan (2008)

Machan (2008)

Two friends, Manoj (Gihan De Chickera), a bartender, and Stanley (Dharmapriya Dias), a fruit vendor, wish to immigrate to the West to seek their...

Moon Lady (1998)

Moon Lady (1998)

A Sri Lankan movie