Lithuania Movies Page 36

The most popular movies from Lithuania page 36 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Lithuania, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Ceburekai Sellers (2011)

Ceburekai Sellers (2011)

"Hot Čeburėkai, cold beer" -- is probably the best known slogan of illegal Lithuanian bussines. The slogan comes as a set together with the...

Andrius Mamontovas. Koncerto filmas (2023)

Andrius Mamontovas. Koncerto filmas (2023)

On your screen is an impressive spectacle: the biggest concert of Andrius Mamontovas solo career and documentary footage of the event behind the...

Time Will Come (2022)

Time Will Come (2022)

While having lunch on a distant roadside, Dovydas sees an extravagantly dressed girl Aiste, wandering in the horizon. He agrees to give her a ride to...

Taip Laima lėmė (2010)

Taip Laima lėmė (2010)

Mystical Lithuanian mythological fairies and the goddess Laima determine the fate of a newly born person. Sometimes it gives a person wealth, health,...

Through the Blooming Linden (1982)

Through the Blooming Linden (1982)

Lithuanian documentary about bicycles.

Paskutinė vienkiemio vasara (1970)

Paskutinė vienkiemio vasara (1970)

Moving people from homesteads to settlements. Families are filmed and interviewed in their old backyards just before they move out.

Land of Songs (2014)

Land of Songs (2014)

Watts, granddaughter of Lithuanian immigrants, went to the region of Dainava to make this lovely, elegiac documentary about five lively village...

Dossier (1990)

Dossier (1990)

The film directed by E. Zubavičius tells how, inspired by M. Gorbachev's words about Estonia's debt to Russia during his visit to Estonia, Baltic...

SEL 360 2015 (2015)

SEL 360 2015 (2015)

After the record-breaking concert in 2014, which attracted more than 20 thousand fans, the leader of the group Egidijus Dragūnas, who breaks...

Birth of Character (1967)

Birth of Character (1967)

Early in the morning, the children start their journey to kindergarten, hand-in-hand with their parents. There is no shortage of activities for the...

Impetus (2022)

Impetus (2022)

This film is a reflective audiovisual collage of images and sounds that have never met and were never supposed to meet.

Vox Populi (2023)

Vox Populi (2023)

Deividas, a journalism student with social anxiety disorder, goes into the streets to interview random people.

Chodakowski Sisters (2018)

Chodakowski Sisters (2018)

The documentary „Chodakowski Sisters“ tells the story of two bright twentieth century Lithuanian interwar women. Polish countesses sisters...

Grandpa and Grandma (2007)

Grandpa and Grandma (2007)

Animated documentary telling the story of director's grandparents who were exiled to Siberia during the Soviet era.

Countryman (2002)

Countryman (2002)

The narrative of the film Kaimietis is based on the monologues of two individuals, who do not know each other.

Leaps to Dance, Loves to Sing (1974)

Leaps to Dance, Loves to Sing (1974)

The director shows us an unofficial Lithuania, an indestructible village, old traditions and impressive faces. In the films of Shablevičius, the...

Windows (2019)

Windows (2019)

In the last 7 years I lived in 5 countries, in 7 cities and in 16 homes. Now I only have three days to pack my things. It‘s my sixteenth home,...