Latvia Movies Page 50

The most popular movies from Latvia page 50 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Latvia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Blue Seas Searching for White Ships (2023)

Blue Seas Searching for White Ships (2023)

Struggling composer Filip returns to his roots, seeking inspiration for a new song while grappling with a mid-life crisis. His younger brother, who...

Willing Collaborators (2014)

Willing Collaborators (2014)

The code to unlocking this feature documentary is 1949, the year the director was born, and also the year of the return of Soviet repressions to...

At The Movies (2020)

At The Movies (2020)

In one long take lasting nearly an hour and a half, three well-known Latvian actors re-stage scenes from renowned Soviet Latvian movies made under...

Looking for Mr. Dice (2019)

Looking for Mr. Dice (2019)

In 2004, a successful banker known as "Mr. Dice" mysteriously disappeared off the face off the earth, along with millions of dollars from investors...

Brainstorm: Between Shores (2015)

Brainstorm: Between Shores (2015)

Brainstorm is the best-known Latvian band in Europe. They started out 25 years ago, when most of them were in the same class at school. That was the...

Singing Hugo And His Incredible Adventures (2016)

Singing Hugo And His Incredible Adventures (2016)

When a chicken is kidnapped by two thieves, a lively adventure full of humor and with a surprising twist begin.

Is It Easy To Be...? After 10 Years (1997)

Is It Easy To Be...? After 10 Years (1997)

The film is a sequel of the legendary documentary “Is It Easy To Be Young?”, which was created in the year 1986 by Juris Podnieks. You once again...

The T-shroom (2000)

The T-shroom (2000)

"Whilst I was studying at the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts, a like-minded colleague Peteris Kimelis and I decided to find people who still grew tea...

A Boy (1977)

A Boy (1977)

Latvia, late 19th century. Farm-hand boy Jancis lives on a homestead with his mother, grandfather and grandmother. His world does not reach beyond...

To dress in Latvian signs (2022)

To dress in Latvian signs (2022)

The moment when the lights on the stage suddenly go out and the dancer finds himself completely alone in the digital environment, the way back to the...

When You Look At Me (2020)

When You Look At Me (2020)

A problem that every film director has faced – how do you film something that does not exist? A director is making a documentary about an actor and...

Mother, I Love You (2013)

Mother, I Love You (2013)

12-year-old Raimonds tries to cover up a bad note at school and starts a spiral of lies, which spins out of control. He has to venture into Riga’s...

Latavio, or Life Nr. 2 (1997)

Latavio, or Life Nr. 2 (1997)

An omnibus film consisting of ten parts, each directed by a different young director from the Latvian Academy of Culture. The unifying element of the...

The Misunderstood (2020)

The Misunderstood (2020)

An attempt to understand the people chanting "Atlaist Saeimu!" (Sack the parliament!) year after year. Though rarely attracting a great deal of...

Mr Black Stork (2020)

Mr Black Stork (2020)

Māris Strazds (also known as "Mr Black Stork") is a man who's been studying black storks and their behaviour for forty years. His love for and...