Macedonia Movies Page 25

The most popular movies from Macedonia page 25 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Macedonia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Colors of Prespa: Birds (2019)

Colors of Prespa: Birds (2019)

A documentary film that shows the endemic bird species that spend most of the year in the Prespa Lake region.

The Road of Turkish Delight (2019)

The Road of Turkish Delight (2019)

Comparative perception of the historical path of lokum - the delicacy sweet and its contemporary state and application in the context of global...

Peria (2016)

Peria (2016)

Four women defy life's demands through their music. Making their voices heard is challenging in modern day Macedonia.

The Magic Hill (2009)

The Magic Hill (2009)

A documentary film that tells the story of the ancient city of Ohrid and the locality of Plaošnik through a virtual journey.

The Resistance (1978)

The Resistance (1978)

One of the nails does not enter the tree at all, it can not be nailed. It is associated with dignity, endurance, steadfastness. One must always stand...

A Gift From The Happy Painter (1957)

A Gift From The Happy Painter (1957)

While playing, the children start drawing on the walls of the room. A painter comes to whitewash the flat. To entertain the children, the painter...

Child (2009)

Child (2009)

The documentary film "Child" is a touching drama based on the fate of a child from a mixed marriage between an Australian woman and a Macedonian man....

Hook (2020)

Hook (2020)

Hook explores the feeling of guilt which the main protagonist has after cheating at a fishing contest in his childhood. This feeling remains in his...

Form B16 (2017)

Form B16 (2017)

Form B16 is a film about a man who gets the smallest piece of the pie. Stuck in a bureaucratic labyrinth, he goes through a number of absurd...

Galičnik (1940)

Galičnik (1940)

This ethnographic and historical silent 16mm cinematic jewel was filmed in 1940 by Sifrid Miladinov – a professional photographer and amateur...

Seven Seals (1989)

Seven Seals (1989)

Produced at International Video Colony Ohrid, Macedonia 1989. Screened in retrospective at Alternative Film/Video Belgrade Festival 2014.

Sledge (1962)

Sledge (1962)

The 6 minute short film SLEDGE (1962) was filmed and directed by then 27 years old Kotse Mitrev in Stip, Republic of Macedonia. The lead role is...

Magdalena (2011)

Magdalena (2011)

The film refers to the institution of "marriage counselor". She was used by those families from the Balkans who could not have children.

Tetovo Twilight (2019)

Tetovo Twilight (2019)

A seven-storey building in the centre of Tetovo, a city in the west of Macedonia, stands like a border between the part of the city where the...

Child in the World (2015)

Child in the World (2015)

Ljube Cvetanovski, an iconic figure of travel documentary in Macedonia, acclaimed for his humorous and poetic style, takes us on an unforgettable...

Snakelet (2019)

Snakelet (2019)

A broken man disappointed by his wife, his friends and the whole world around him, decides to leave civilization and live in the wilderness. In the...

The Baby (2019)

The Baby (2019)

With war raging around them a terrified young couple lock themselves up in their apartment with their baby without food or milk. They need to leave...

Dervishes (1955)

Dervishes (1955)

Dervisi: This 1955 documentary reveals the strange practices of one of the most ancient Muslim denominations and rites that aim to achieve mystical...

Manaki - A Story in Pictures (2019)

Manaki - A Story in Pictures (2019)

The film showcases the photographic work of Janaki and Milton Manaki, the first Balkan cinematographers. Over the years, the Manaki brothers have...