Mali Movies Page 49

The most popular movies from Mali page 49 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Mali, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Diving (2017)

Diving (2017)

A restless photographer leaves her family to "find herself" and takes up deep-sea diving.

Sisters in Arms (2019)

Sisters in Arms (2019)

Kenza and Yaël are two young French women who go to Syria to fight alongside the Kurdish forces. There they meet Zara, a Yezidi survivor. Born in...

Marcello mio (2024)

Marcello mio (2024)

Pressured from all sides by the figure of her father, Chiara Mastroianni decides to bring him back to life through her own self. She goes by the name...

Podium (2004)

Podium (2004)

Bernand Fréderic is a mediocre bank executive. He's married and has a son. He used to have another profession: being French star Claude Francois....

9 Month Stretch (2013)

9 Month Stretch (2013)

Ariane Felder is pregnant! This is surprising with her being a young hardened judge with strict morals. But what is more surprising is that,...

Au Hasard Balthazar (1966)

Au Hasard Balthazar (1966)

The story of a donkey Balthazar as he is passed from owner to owner, some kind and some cruel but all with motivations beyond his understanding....

Perfect Nanny (2019)

Perfect Nanny (2019)

When Myriam, the mother of two young children, decides, despite the reluctance of her husband to resume his activity in a law firm, the couple is...

The Demoniacs (1974)

The Demoniacs (1974)

A gang of pirates rape the two sole survivors of a ship wreck. The violated girls are rescued by the strange inhabitants of a supposedly haunted...

Guy (2018)

Guy (2018)

Gauthier, a young journalist, learns from his mother that he is the illegitimate son of Guy Jamet, a popular French singer whose heyday stretched...

Them (2006)

Them (2006)

Lucas and Clementine live peacefully in their isolated country house, but one night they wake up to strange noise. They're not alone... and a group...

Elisa (1995)

Elisa (1995)

Marie has had a tough childhood ever since her mother Elisa committed suicide. She has spent most of her life in an orphanage and now makes a living...

Farewell (2009)

Farewell (2009)

An intricate thriller about an ordinary man thrust into the biggest theft of Soviet information of the Cold War. Right after the Soviet invasion of...

French Fried Vacation 2: The Bronzés go Skiing (1979)

French Fried Vacation 2: The Bronzés go Skiing (1979)

In this sequel to Les Bronzes (1978) summer has passed, but that doesn't mean the fun has to end for Bernard, Nathalie, Gigi, Jerome, Popeye,...

MFKZ (2018)

MFKZ (2018)

Angelino is just one of thousands of deadbeats living in Dark Meat City. But an otherwise unremarkable scooter accident caused by a beautiful,...

Code Unknown (2000)

Code Unknown (2000)

A series of events unfold like a chain reaction, all stemming from a minor event that brings the film's five characters together. Set in Paris,...

The Insult (2017)

The Insult (2017)

After an emotional exchange between a Lebanese Christian and a Palestinian refugee escalates, the men end up in a court case that gets national...

Mad Love (1985)

Mad Love (1985)

After a successful bank robbery, Micky hopes to take back his girlfriend Marie who has been taken from him. On the way to Paris he meets Leon, a...

Requiem for a Killer (2011)

Requiem for a Killer (2011)

Lucretia is a killer for hire. Specialised in poisoning and passionate about opera, she'll have to fulfill a difficult contract in the heart of the...

Slack Bay (2016)

Slack Bay (2016)

Summer, 1910. Inspectors Machin and Malfoy investigate the mysterious disappearances of several tourists on the beautiful beaches of Slack Bay, where...

Home (2008)

Home (2008)

Along with her husband and three children, Marthe lives in an eden of her own creation, nearly isolated from the rest of the world. The arrival of a...