Macao Movies Page 48

The most popular movies from Macao page 48 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Macao, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Big Shot (2019)

The Big Shot (2019)

A car fixer jumps off stairs after illegal demolition. Police officer tries to find the crime and catch the evil boss.

Novoland (2024)

Novoland (2024)

It tells the story of the free and undisciplined ranger Yun Zhan and his master who are implicated in a bizarre case. They are accidentally suspected...

Death Duel (1977)

Death Duel (1977)

The Third Master is considered to be the greatest sword master of the day. His displays of skill and strength bring armies of challengers to his...

Duel of Fists (1971)

Duel of Fists (1971)

Two men, one a businessman skilled in Kung Fu, the other a kickboxer discover they are brothers, and together, both in and out of the ring, they must...

Cruel War (2024)

Cruel War (2024)

Yan Xin, a female scientist at Hainan Xingye Torch Company, used gene editing technology to cultivate super rubber seeds and went to Yinfan Island...

Deep in the Heart (2014)

Deep in the Heart (2014)

An unrecognizable, charred corpse discovered in a remote mountain village in China connects three local stories.

The Missing Gun (2002)

The Missing Gun (2002)

In this tense thriller, Ma Shan (Wen Jiang) is a Chinese police detective who awakes one morning after a night of heavy drinking at his sister's...

Dahufa (2017)

Dahufa (2017)

A warrior named Dahufa goes to save his prince from a dystopian village. He finds the dystopian village ruled by a fake god and his guards. In order...

Hello Ghost! (2023)

Hello Ghost! (2023)

This film is adapted from the 2010 South Korean blockbuster and tear-jerking comedy Hello Ghost. A lonely delivery man, A-wei, tries to commit...

The King of Masks (1995)

The King of Masks (1995)

Wang Bianlian is an aging street performer known as the King of Mask for his mastery of Sichuan Change Art in a true story. His wife left him with...

The Dragon Tamers (1975)

The Dragon Tamers (1975)

Carter Wong plays a young chinese martial arts student who travels to Korea to learn Taekwondo. Soon he comes up against a vicious gang who want all...

The Supreme Swordsman (1984)

The Supreme Swordsman (1984)

A rampaging swordsman slices and dices his way across China on a bloody mission to cut down every warrior in his way, and claim the blade of the...

Midnight Diner (2019)

Midnight Diner (2019)

When people finish their day and hurry home, his day starts. His diner is open from midnight to seven in the morning. Patrons enjoy home cooking and...

Guns and Roses (2012)

Guns and Roses (2012)

The film tells the story of a group of Chinese youths who robbed a bank of the “Manchuguo”, a puppet regime formed in China’s northeastern...

I Am What I Am (2021)

I Am What I Am (2021)

By a fortunate coincidence, Juan is inspired and encouraged by a girl with the same name. Therefore, he decides to form a lion dance troupe with his...

At Cafe 6 (2016)

At Cafe 6 (2016)

One rainy night, a woman takes refuge in At Cafe 6 after an argument with her boyfriend. She strikes up a conversation with the café owner, who...

Who's The Suspect (2023)

Who's The Suspect (2023)

Lawyer Chen Zhi Qi, who excels in her work, unintentionally finds herself involved in an awful conspiracy theory that involves her client who is on...

My Country, My Parents (2021)

My Country, My Parents (2021)

Actress Zhang Ziyi, actor-and-director Wu Jing, comedian Shen Teng, and actor-and-director Xu Zheng come together to direct four short films as part...

Knights of Valour (2021)

Knights of Valour (2021)

Guan Yu, legendary general of Three Kingdoms, invented new weapon - guandao halberd. His own guandao called "Green Dragon Crescent Blade" weighed 48...

Daughter of the Nile (1987)

Daughter of the Nile (1987)

Lin Hsiao-yang tries to keep her family together while working as a waitress at Kentucky Fried Chicken and going to night school. With no mother and...