Namibia Movies Page 15

The most popular movies from Namibia page 15 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Namibia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Kimberley Jim (1963)

Kimberley Jim (1963)

A ramblin', gamblin', guitar-strummin' man from Dixie tries to strike it rich in the Kimberley diamond rush in 1880s South Africa.

Frankie en Felipé (1969)

Frankie en Felipé (1969)

Frankie and Felipé are two brothers whose lives took completely different paths after they were separated as children. When they reunite just before...

Die Lewe Sonder Jou (1972)

Die Lewe Sonder Jou (1972)

Koos and his daughter Patrys are living happily in a tiny fisherman's village, but then a rich, sophisticated young man sweeps Patrys off her feet,...

Geel Trui vir 'n Wenner (1983)

Geel Trui vir 'n Wenner (1983)

The film takes place during the annual Rapport International Cycling Tour. Two brothers compete as Cain and Abel against each other. Not only for the...

Charlie Word 'n Ster (1979)

Charlie Word 'n Ster (1979)

A nurse in a relationship with a truck driver named Charlie, who gets an opportunity to play a role in a new upcoming film, is made famous overnight....

Hier's Ons Weer! (1950)

Hier's Ons Weer! (1950)

Two idiots decide to join the military to earn money. During their training, two recruits become suspicious and decide to expose them before they...

Rip van Wyk (1960)

Rip van Wyk (1960)

Rip van Wyk, a slow-witted Afrikaner, is transported from the 1850s to 1959.

Eendag Vir Altyd (1985)

Eendag Vir Altyd (1985)

A final year medical student goes on the run after bring implicated in the hit and run death of a fellow student.

Die Winter van 14 Julie (1977)

Die Winter van 14 Julie (1977)

During his military service, a young man meets a woman and she becomes pregnant.

Ek Lief Jou (2011)

Ek Lief Jou (2011)

A heartwarming South African romantic comedy starring Kurt Darren, Ilse de Vis, Christina Storm and Andre Frauenstein.

!Aitsa (2023)

!Aitsa (2023)

The ancient knowledge of indigenous peoples challenges high-tech science in a near-cosmic tale from a South African desert where the world’s...

Piet's Aunt (1959)

Piet's Aunt (1959)

Three students are on the verge of being expelled for being mischievous. Together scheme a brilliant plan to prohibit the rector from expelling them...

Pens en Pootjies (1974)

Pens en Pootjies (1974)

Two brothers take part in a cross country competition and somehow end up foiling criminal activities in the mean time.

The Light of a Century (1942)

The Light of a Century (1942)

Documentary about the Dutch Church in South Africa

Come With Tonight! (1949)

Come With Tonight! (1949)

A singer is injured when a piano falls on her and her only hope in walking again is a very expensive operation abroad. They decide to host a variety...

Nooi van my Hart (1969)

Nooi van my Hart (1969)

A rich man's daughter rents a cheap apartment and pretends to be broke. She falls in love with her poor neighbor who drops her like a hot potato when...

Dit was Aand en dit was Môre (1977)

Dit was Aand en dit was Môre (1977)

Maggie has been waiting years and years for the love of her life to return, not really knowing what to do with her life because she just cannot...