Namibia Movies Page 6

The most popular movies from Namibia page 6 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Namibia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Simon Beyers (1947)

Simon Beyers (1947)

South African Movie

Rage (2020)

Rage (2020)

What is supposed to be the best holiday of their lives turns to horror as a group of teenagers is picked off one by one in a small coastal village.

Mirage Squadron (1975)

Mirage Squadron (1975)

Lt. Gerhard Muller is the son of a pilot who was killed while flying with the South African Air Force in Korea. At the time his best friend and...

Wild Maneuvres (1985)

Wild Maneuvres (1985)

Military-Comedy. Sequel to "Boetie gaan border toe". Boetie (Translated into English as 'Buddy' or "Brother") wants to win his girlfriend Liza back,...

Born Talents (2018)

Born Talents (2018)

Jeff has a gift for business but did not know how to stand up after failure. With the help of a friend Jeff finds his calling.

Die Skerpioen (1946)

Die Skerpioen (1946)

South African Film

Grensbasis 13 (1979)

Grensbasis 13 (1979)

A story about a fictional South African police base on the border between Angola and the former South West Africa. While patrolling, a mail convoy is...

Love & Me (2015)

Love & Me (2015)

The only cure prescribed for a broken heart is a heavy dose of love and some Christmas pudding. Dr Louis van Est is a professional when it comes to...

Firstborn (2009)

Firstborn (2009)

This short film explores identity and sexuality within the Afrikaans minority culture of post-Apartheid South Africa through a fable about two...

Winning a Continent (1916)

Winning a Continent (1916)

This epic film was one of the first South African dramatic film productions. It tells the story of the Boers’ Great Trek at the end of the 1830s,...

Sporadies Nomadies (2022)

Sporadies Nomadies (2022)

Vanessa is forced to spend the last few days of her matric holiday with her estranged, struggling rock muso dad, Louis. During this coastal tour,...

Oom Land (2017)

Oom Land (2017)

50 years ago the Volkswinkel - the People's Shop - opened for business in Rehoboth. The man behind the success story is Oom Land. Here you get to...

Suster Teresa (1974)

Suster Teresa (1974)

South African Movie

The Trek (1969)

The Trek (1969)

Starvation, suspicion and madness plague a family as they cross the Kalahari under the eyes of two desert spirits.

The Hunters (1960)

The Hunters (1960)

Two brothers, both gamekeepers, are in love with the same girl. One commits a murder and flees. Only one person can locate him in the dense forest -...

Picnic (2004)

Picnic (2004)

A warmhearted slice-of-life story showing viewers how important family reunions are, psychologically and emotionally. But also a satire of white...

Staal Burger (1969)

Staal Burger (1969)

During the 1960s the Afrikaans radio service of the South African Broadcasting Corporation presented a series on the adventures of a super secret...

Stiekyt (2022)

Stiekyt (2022)

James is an actor with a failed career. When he is offered an opportunity to earn a little extra by performing as a drag queen at a club, he accepts....

Ellen: The Ellen Pakkies Story (2018)

Ellen: The Ellen Pakkies Story (2018)

Based on true events, the film tells a story of the damaged relationship between a woman and her son, who is addicted to drug abuse. It also narrates...