Netherlands Movies Page 48

The most popular movies from Netherlands page 48 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Netherlands, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Bon Bini Holland 3 (2022)

Bon Bini Holland 3 (2022)

Robertico and the FC Kip squad are ready for some new and even more hilarious adventures.

Heinz (2019)

Heinz (2019)

Heinz is Amsterdam personified: a happy-go-lucky freeloader. However, he's in big trouble with his girlfriend Dolly. One day he is looking after...

Girl (2002)

Girl (2002)

Muriel moves from a small village to the big city of Brussels, hoping to start an independent life working as a museum guide. She rents a room from...

So What Is Love (2019)

So What Is Love (2019)

Cato is given the opportunity to become a partner in a commercial office where there is a need for change. Cato seems to be the right person to teach...

Witches Don't Exist (2014)

Witches Don't Exist (2014)

On her 13th birthday Katie, a talented young girl, receives a magical amulet. This amulet was on a quest to find the fifth and last witch to complete...

Anna & Bella (1984)

Anna & Bella (1984)

Two sisters look back on their life together.

The Afterman (1985)

The Afterman (1985)

"The Afterman" is about a guy who lived alone in an atomic fallout shelter after the A-Bomb was dropped, so he can't read, write or speak. 20 years...

Zucchero | Zu and co.: Live at Royal Albert Hall (2004)

Zucchero | Zu and co.: Live at Royal Albert Hall (2004)

The gravel voiced Italian singing sensation and his entourage performed at London's Royal Albert Hall on May 4, 2004. The concert is captured on this...

Rocco & Sjuul (2023)

Rocco & Sjuul (2023)

Fifty years after being dance partners in their twenties, two pensioners find themselves torn between romance and their disapproving families when...

P (2014)

P (2014)

When a Dutch family drives back home from a holiday in Germany and stops at a rest area, it is already clear this is probably their last trip...

Schellebelle 1919 (2011)

Schellebelle 1919 (2011)

The movie tells the story of the farming family Van de Velde, in the aftermath of the First World War. The farmer and his son, who have fought in the...

Mime (2020)

Mime (2020)

A dimension-shifting mime player is disturbed in his peace by a student fraternity. His response is unexpected: by using the fourth wall, he turns...

Bite (2024)

Bite (2024)

Mark suffers from an intense form of self-hatred, which translates into neglectful, chilling and destructive behaviour. Mark lives in an equally...

Finn's Heel (2022)

Finn's Heel (2022)

When Arthur accidentally witnesses both an argument between Finn and his strict father and an accidental fall in which Finn sprains his ankle, he...

New York City Serenade (2007)

New York City Serenade (2007)

Two down on their luck childhood friends struggle to figure out their lives. Ray a drummer in a rock and roll band, and Owen an aspiring film maker...

Voices (1972)

Voices (1972)

A nearly 30 minute long conversation in a living room party. Unlike in a regular TV play the jabber conversation can hardly be understood. Sometimes...

Polder (2023)

Polder (2023)

After the death of his wife, pig farmer Ronald is responsible for the care of their daughter and the farm. The ever stricter environmental...

Things Past (1982)

Things Past (1982)

Based on three stories by R.J. Peskens.

House of Anubis (NL): The Legend of the Ghost-theatre (2009)

House of Anubis (NL): The Legend of the Ghost-theatre (2009)

In this show, the anubis residents hears from a ghost that the theater that they are about to perform in, that it burns down every hundred years and...



Gehaktdag was a Dutch television show. It was aired on Fridays on Nederland 3 by the AVRO. In the show, a Dutch celebrity is satirically critiqued by...

Floortje gaat mee

Floortje gaat mee

Floortje Dessing travels with award-winning photographer Jasper Doest from the Netherlands to Nepal to record how people and animals live together...



An absurd satirical comedy which is a mixture of smaller group scenes and exciting, cinematic skits - sometimes presented as recurring miniseries...

Annie MG

Annie MG

A miniserie about famous Dutch childrenbook writer Annie M.G. Smidt