Nepal Movies Page 13

The most popular movies from Nepal page 13 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Nepal, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Pinky Gurung (2018)

Pinky Gurung (2018)

A young trans woman goes door-to-door campaigning to be elected to parliament in Nepal.

Wind of Change in Lo Mustang (2016)

Wind of Change in Lo Mustang (2016)

The Himalayan region of Nepal is one of the most fragile environments in the world and is characterized by extreme uncertainty and great complexity....

Happy New Year (2017)

Happy New Year (2017)

A romantic drama filmed in Australia.

Dadyaa: The Woodpeckers of Rotha (2016)

Dadyaa: The Woodpeckers of Rotha (2016)

In their remote village, haunted by memories, Atimaley and Devi find themselves faced with a dilemma when a dear friend leaves without saying goodbye.

The Icefall Doctor (2022)

The Icefall Doctor (2022)

Angnima Sherpa, the original "Icefall Doctor", has held the most dangerous job on earth on the slopes of Mt. Everest for 30+ years.​ A...

KTM Cock-Tale (2017)

KTM Cock-Tale (2017)

About 4 days of the life of a drug dealer in Kathmandu.

Nai Nabhannu La (1969)

Nai Nabhannu La (1969)

"Nai Nabhannu La" is a heartwarming Nepali film that tells the story of a young boy named Dhruba, who is orphaned after the death of his parents. The...

Journey of a Red Fridge (2007)

Journey of a Red Fridge (2007)

This is a story of a 17-year-old boy named Hari Rai, who lives in a small village in the Himalayan Mountains of Nepal, and his extraordinary journey....

Eternal Melody (2022)

Eternal Melody (2022)

In her dreams, a devout woman is visited by her deceased husband, stranded in the liminal space between death and the afterlife. With her son, she...

Chino (1969)

Chino (1969)

After releasing from prison a criminal (Sunil Thapa) looks for revenge on a women who he had a crush on but than he hears the news about she been...

Dhoka (2017)

Dhoka (2017)

The betrayal by a close friend who falls victim to drug addiction.

Yet Another Winter (2021)

Yet Another Winter (2021)

A young mother visits a shaman in the hope that he will help her deaf daughter to be able to hear and speak. As advised, she tries to convince her...

Karma Sutra (2019)

Karma Sutra (2019)

Story of two guys with a mystical twist

Basa Parkher (2020)

Basa Parkher (2020)

I'm too busy to take care of my family.

The Iron Digger (2022)

The Iron Digger (2022)

The Iron Digger is the story of a Jelbang village in Rolpa district. Jelbang was considered a commercial centre of mountain iron around 2046 BS....

Rumal Hataima (2021)

Rumal Hataima (2021)

Let's sing joyfully and happily.

Dadaima Tuni chha (2021)

Dadaima Tuni chha (2021)

We'll sing and dance while thinking of the two couples.

Antarastriya Manchhe (2021)

Antarastriya Manchhe (2021)

Nepalese youths dance wildly!

Gauthali (2020)

Gauthali (2020)

Sing, dance, and cheerfully confess.

Confusion (2021)

Confusion (2021)

After getting married to a stranger, a newly-wed woman feels uncomfortable in her new home. Instead of seeking comfort with her husband, she is...