Palestinian Territory Movies Page 46

The most popular movies from Palestinian Territory page 46 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Palestinian Territory, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Maleesh gheirak (1958)

Maleesh gheirak (1958)

Singer (Ahmed) loves the horses, and he accidentally drives him to a stable in which he meets a friend he has not seen for years while he is (Adel)....

The Salt Fisherman (2011)

The Salt Fisherman (2011)

A fisherman lives alone. His days and nights are fraught with waiting. He rises with the sun and carries his anxieties and tools to the sea, where he...

Another One (2022)

Another One (2022)

A social worker in the Prison Service writes reports on the prisoners' psychological condition. In prison, an old classmate of his, who has become a...

Abo Dahab (1996)

Abo Dahab (1996)

Abo Dahab is a poor baker who goes to prison instead of his corrupted boss. When he gets out, he discovers that his employer did not fulfill his...

Summoning Amr's Guardian (2019)

Summoning Amr's Guardian (2019)

A child named Amr, the school's headmaster summons his guardian because of the problems he causes, but on the other hand his father Ragheb suffers...

El-sit el-nazra (1968)

El-sit el-nazra (1968)

Hoda is a student in a boarding school, she feels sad because her father neglected her at the behest of his wife, and when she spends the leave with...

Fazaa (2015)

Fazaa (2015)

After living his whole life in Mazarita, Fazza' finally decides to turn his life around once and for all. He moves to Cairo to experience city life,...

Uncensored (2009)

Uncensored (2009)

Two youths fall in love. However, their relationship is not without problems which are typical of relationships today.

You Are My Love (1957)

You Are My Love (1957)

Farid is forced to marry his cousin, Yasmina, after their uncle leaves them a big inheritance, provided that the two get married. They decide to get...

The Egg and the Stone (1990)

The Egg and the Stone (1990)

A philosophy teacher finds himself and his ethics surrounded by a corrupt society, and as he's mistaken for an exorcist and fortune-teller. He uses...

Al-Zamahlawia (2008)

Al-Zamahlawia (2008)

The film revolves around the families of Shehata Hussein and Salim Abu Nawas (Salah Eidullah and Izzat Abu Auf), one of whom belongs to Zamalek...

Before Forty (2021)

Before Forty (2021)

As Moataz suffers from a strong trauma following the death of his mother, his aunt Sama thinks that he is a psychopath. But with repeated mysterious...

Palestine (2017)

Palestine (2017)

Somewhere in the West Bank, Chaim, an Israeli soldier is injured during an accident, losing his memory as a result. When the young man is found...

The Married Couples (1976)

The Married Couples (1976)

The story revolves around the problems of married people in (Egypt) from the economic and social aspects, where the poor young man (Masoud) falls in...

Adam's Village (2009)

Adam's Village (2009)

A group of friends gathered coastal village depend on fishingpoverty forces them to perform some petty theft tobe involved in the murder and...

Lak Youm Ya Beh (1984)

Lak Youm Ya Beh (1984)

Mamdooh is married to Wafa, and Mursi is married to Zizi, and they work together in an advertising company. They are famous for their frequent...

حب فوق البركان (1978)

حب فوق البركان (1978)

Ahmed and Nawal's half-brother (Hussein) steals Ahmed's money to spend on the dancer (Dusa). Nawal pawns jewelry with (Umm Jaber), the moneylender,...

Farq Khebra (2021)

Farq Khebra (2021)

Nagy, a quiet dreamer, embarks on a surprising journey discovering life, love, and human relationships when an unplanned encounter with Salma prompts...

Khartoum Offside (2019)

Khartoum Offside (2019)

A group of exceptional young ladies in Khartoum are determined to play football professionally. They are prepared to defy the ban imposed by Sudan's...

The Ostrich and the Peacock (2002)

The Ostrich and the Peacock (2002)

(Hamdy) and (Samira) married to traditional marriage,and they are not satisfied sexually because of problems rooted with them since childhood. Samira...