Qatar Movies Page 49

The most popular movies from Qatar page 49 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Qatar, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Danish Experience (2003)

The Danish Experience (2003)

When Kadry El Meniawy becomes the minister of Youth and sports, the attractive woman Anita from Denmark comes to Egypt for cultural exchange between...

Omar Gatlato (1976)

Omar Gatlato (1976)

Omar, a young man, lives a simple life with his family and suffers from loneliness. His life changes when he tries to bond with a girl he barely...

A World of Children (1976)

A World of Children (1976)

In a comedic form, a love story is shared between the widowed engineer Hilmi Abdelkader (Rushdi Abaza), who works in the field of oil and has eight...

200 pounds (2021)

200 pounds (2021)

The story revolves around 200 pounds that get passed on from one person to another from different social classes and residential places.

The Walk (2023)

The Walk (2023)

Asil is a young Syrian refugee awaiting documents in Turkey while processing the trauma of losing her home and family. Her story gives voice to a...

Grandpa, the Troublemaker (2020)

Grandpa, the Troublemaker (2020)

An introverted, shy young man struggles to find his place in society while dealing with its people and his surroundings, until an accident turns his...

Everybody Loves Touda (2024)

Everybody Loves Touda (2024)

Touda is a sheikha (traditional singer and dancer) who performs in dingy bars to make ends meet. But Touda has a passion. She struggles for her art...

Hello America (2000)

Hello America (2000)

Bakheet receives an invitation from his cousin Nawfal to visit him in America. Bakheet and Adela travel to search for wealth. In order to obtain...

Noura's Dream (2019)

Noura's Dream (2019)

With her abusive husband in jail and a coveted divorce pending, hardworking Noura can almost grasp a happy, new life with lover Lassaad — but when...

Body and Passion (1972)

Body and Passion (1972)

A happy relationship developed between Hoda [Naglaa Fathy] and Ahmed [Mahmoud Yassine]. Ahmed was planning to meet with her parents to ask for her...

Abu Shanab (2016)

Abu Shanab (2016)

Esmat Abu Shanab (Yasmin Abdul Aziz) is a female police officer who works in an administrative position and tries in various ways to work on field...

Raya and Sakina (1982)

Raya and Sakina (1982)

Two sisters (Riya) and (Skina), start a gang to kidnap rich women with the help of Riya's husband. Skina, in an effort to avoid suspicion, try to...

Love and Revenge... With a Meat Cleaver (1992)

Love and Revenge... With a Meat Cleaver (1992)

The director's final work prior to his early death to chronic liver disease was this gleefully ghoulish horror comedy, which imparted the following...

Maali Mama (2022)

Maali Mama (2022)

The film takes place in a social and comic framework, through a mother's relationship with her children, in light of the presence of other...

Young men dancing over the fire (1978)

Young men dancing over the fire (1978)

Father Hanafi raised his three sons to be at the crossroads to receive their next life, the great Alaa Mohandes is looking forward to work in...

Love with its Details (2023)

Love with its Details (2023)

Wealthy Ramez returns to Egypt following the death of his father to find himself responsible for his half-brother. He falls in love with a modest...

All My Life (2008)

All My Life (2008)

For Rami, all is for the best in this best of all possible worlds, as long as he keeps to himself. But when his longtime lover leaves him to marry a...

King Lear (2019)

King Lear (2019)

The events of the play decided about King Lear, who decided to distribute his possessions to his three daughters, and because his youngest daughter...

Shaaban Taht El Sifr (1980)

Shaaban Taht El Sifr (1980)

(Shaaban), a simple employee loves his colleague (Zeinab). The millionaire (Ghatrifi) dies, so his family search for one from his town or any...