Serbia Movies Page 48

The most popular movies from Serbia page 48 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Serbia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Tesaurus (2020)

Tesaurus (2020)

Tesa is an ordinary house dog, living with her owner Cristi. One day, she will disappear and start projecting images and thoughts of her own. She...

I'll Make You Out of Dust (2020)

I'll Make You Out of Dust (2020)

A girl from a small community is trying to win from her gloomy and dark everyday life one night at an abandoned fair.

Tango for the End (1969)

Tango for the End (1969)

A young couple living in a post-apocalyptic world are trapped on top of a building in a race against time.

Taxi Drive Podgorica (2005)

Taxi Drive Podgorica (2005)

A news reporter interviews taxi drivers of Podgorica about their bizarre encounters with customers.

String of Life (1996)

String of Life (1996)

Documentary about country dwellers in Montenegro. When the sons come back to visit the family, they must cross a deep ravine to get to their parents,...

Svetlana (2016)

Svetlana (2016)

SVETLANA talks about challenges and uncertainties one faces during life. Milan is a man who had been sidetracked during transition from communism to...

Solar Sons' Children (2022)

Solar Sons' Children (2022)

Documentary about the rock and roll scene of Vrnjačka Banja, a small tourist town in Serbia.

A Look at the Wall (1996)

A Look at the Wall (1996)

An exhibition at cinema Rex in Belgrade.

Under the Authority of the Police (2001)

Under the Authority of the Police (2001)

Movie about the political repressions towards members of Otpor! in Serbia. Otpor! (resistance) was a political organization in Serbia from 1998 until...

Made in Serbia: Impossible II (1994)

Made in Serbia: Impossible II (1994)

An experimental film about an art group trying to get their works across the border to Slovenia during the economical and cultural blockade of...

Putting Our Best Foot Forward (1997)

Putting Our Best Foot Forward (1997)

During the 1996/97 protests in Serbia a group of 200 students walked from Novi Sad to Belgrade to support students and citizens of the capital. A...

255 Hits (1999)

255 Hits (1999)

An experimental documentary made up of footage of NATO's bombing of a refinery in Novi Sad, Serbia in 1999. The refinery was bombed in 13 separate...

No Strike Without Old Man (1969)

No Strike Without Old Man (1969)

Documentary film about Dedice (Granddads), the worst music group of all time!

Bitlsti (2014)

Bitlsti (2014)

A documentary film about the most eccentric musical group of all time! Proof that the aliens not only visited us, but luckily also played something...

Made in Pula (2022)

Made in Pula (2022)

Maybe it wouldn't, but we didn't even try. Boško Obradović, dentist for children and youth from Pula, was one of those who recorded reality, warned...

Split Second (2022)

Split Second (2022)

20 Years of Zrenjanin-based band “Drink or Die”.

A Different Time (2006)

A Different Time (2006)

It represents a timeline about some of the most important, but vanished places for youth gathering in Novi Sad. It tells a story about places that...

Why Should I Live (2016)

Why Should I Live (2016)

In 1985, the iconic Novi Sad punk band "Two Minutes of Hatred" broke up. One of their songs was called "Why should I live". Through the story of...

Balkan Rock Legends (2006)

Balkan Rock Legends (2006)

"Balkan Rock Legends", a group based in Amsterdam, has been around for 4 years. They play rock'n'roll from a country that no longer exist. The band's...