Russia Movies Page 46

The most popular movies from Russia page 46 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Russia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Battle of Stalingrad (1949)

The Battle of Stalingrad (1949)

A 1949 two-part Soviet epic war film about the Battle of Stalingrad, directed by Vladimir Petrov. The script was written by Nikolai Virta.

The Most Charming and Attractive (1985)

The Most Charming and Attractive (1985)

Nadya Klyueva is a single woman. Persuaded by her friend, she decides to charm her co-worker whom she doesn't really love, but who is the most...

We Can't Live Without Cosmos (2014)

We Can't Live Without Cosmos (2014)

Two cosmonauts, two friends, try to do their best in their everyday training life to make their common dream a reality. But this story is not only...

Without Men (2011)

Without Men (2011)

Two women meet by happenstance traveling from Moscow to Perm. After their flight is delayed, Aleksandra and Zhenia spend a night in Moscow that turns...

Nebo Zovyot (1959)

Nebo Zovyot (1959)

A Soviet scientific expedition is being prepared as the world's first mission to planet Mars. Their space ship Homeland has been built at a space...

The Mystery of Snow Queen (2015)

The Mystery of Snow Queen (2015)

A new interpretation of the most known and beloved fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen - "Snow Queen"

Odessa Steamboat (2019)

Odessa Steamboat (2019)

Based on the works of Mikhail Zhvanetsky. The plot of the new comedy is based on the famous miniatures “Odessa Steamboat”, “Two Apples”,...

The Overcoat (1959)

The Overcoat (1959)

A story about a government clerk who has his precious new overcoat stolen. No-one seems willing to help him retrieve his prized possession, a fact...

Vera (2023)

Vera (2023)

Vera lives solely on the problems of her family: her eternally ill husband Kostya and her fifteen-year-old son Romka. In fact, Vera is happy with...

The Seventh Companion (1967)

The Seventh Companion (1967)

A portrait of the era of "Red Terror" during the civil war that followed the Bolshevik revolution, The Seventh Companion offers a character study in...

Tycoon (2002)

Tycoon (2002)

During the Gorbachev years, Platon Makovski and his four buddies are university students who jump on the private capitalism movement. Fast-forward 20...

At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own (1974)

At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own (1974)

Following the Russian Civil War, a loyal Red, Shilov, must prove he is at home among strangers as he attempts to recapture a shipment of gold that he...

Three Heroes: The Heiress to the Throne (2018)

Three Heroes: The Heiress to the Throne (2018)

The Prince of Kiev decided to appoint an heir to the throne, only bad luck - who could it be? A relative, friend of the family or maybe an overseas...

The Fantastic Journey of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, the Hobbit (1985)

The Fantastic Journey of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, the Hobbit (1985)

Soviet television movie adaptation of the J.R.R. Tolkien fantasy novel "The Hobbit".

Milk (2021)

Milk (2021)

Residents of the city of Kirovsk have not been surprised by the beauty of the northern lights for a long time. Once, thanks to him, a simple girl...

White Snow (2020)

White Snow (2020)

An inspiring biopic about the legendary skier Elena Vyalbe. Born in a small town in the north of Russia, she had the courage and dedication to...

Accelerate (1987)

Accelerate (1987)

Young girl is dreaming to become a cop - so she starts her own investigation into a group of car thieves.

The Lonely Voice of Man (1987)

The Lonely Voice of Man (1987)

Set in the early 1920s after the end of the Russian Civil War, Red Army soldier Nikita returns to his hometown to see his partner Lyuba, both of whom...

Humiliated and Insulted (1990)

Humiliated and Insulted (1990)

Based on the Fyodor Dostoevsky novel about a young woman who leaves her family to live with her lover whose father dead set on keeping them apart.



Boris Ermolaevich Cheryshev was called Churchill at the institute-not only for some resemblance to the British Prime Minister, but also for his...



Uncompromising and ruthless to crime, police captain Alexander Dichenko has long gained a reputation as a lone hero, both among criminals and in the...

The Storm Gate

The Storm Gate

Lieutenant Doronin and his troops are moved to a narrow mountain pass. The task seems simple: to defend the pass from the insurgents and not let them...



"Don't give up the bag and the prison," says a well–known proverb. And indeed, no one is immune from prison, including the innocent. Neither money,...

Sergius Against Evil Spirits

Sergius Against Evil Spirits

Former priest Sergius, removed from the ministry in the church, became a hunter for evil spirits. In the course of the hunt, he encounters...



A miracle happens, Angelica, a student of journalism suddenly loses 50 kilograms overnight.

Fern Flower

Fern Flower

Little Gluschevka is an unusual village, there is an anomalous zone where compasses break, water flows uphill and, according to legend, a priceless...

Mothers of Champions

Mothers of Champions

17-year-old Vera had everything: gold in competitions, a loved one, an adored dad, a swimming coach mom. But after the betrayal of her mother, at one...



After another scandal, the son of a Soviet functionary is sent to the organizing committee of the Olympic Games-80 for correction, where he begins to...



The action takes place on "Like a Radio". The rating of the radio station is approaching zero, the Agency that places ads on its air is suffering...

How Derevyanko Lomonosov Played

How Derevyanko Lomonosov Played

Klim Shipenko is making a film about Lomonosov starring Pavel Derevyanko. But the actor is overtaken by a creative crisis, and for inspiration he...