Saudi Arabia Movies Page 47

The most popular movies from Saudi Arabia page 47 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Saudi Arabia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Sayidati Anisati (1990)

Sayidati Anisati (1990)

The story revolves around Dr. Mahmoud, who has a doctorate and earns less than the company's courier, Dr. Mahmoud decides to work as a courier to...

Oversized Coat (2013)

Oversized Coat (2013)

Over-Sized Coat" is a 120 minutes-length masterpiece which talks about the Palestinian reality for the period of (1987-2011).

A Whole One (2011)

A Whole One (2011)

Try (Zizi Badrawi) to convince her son, an interior decorator Abdullah (Hani Salama) to marry, with the help of his friend and his partner (Amr...

Everybody Loves Touda (2024)

Everybody Loves Touda (2024)

Touda is a sheikha (traditional singer and dancer) who performs in dingy bars to make ends meet. But Touda has a passion. She struggles for her art...

Shall I Compare You to a Summer's Day? (2022)

Shall I Compare You to a Summer's Day? (2022)

The director turns the diary of his sexual adventures into a serial narrative in the style of “One Thousand and One Nights”. This...

Burnout (2017)

Burnout (2017)

BurnOut is a film about the grinding down of hope by the contradictory values and morals of Moroccan society and how a mere chance encounter can...

12 (2020)

12 (2020)

not there yet

shajie alsiyama (2000)

shajie alsiyama (2000)

Tamer Wahid, a representative in the field of violence and motion films, suddenly rebelled against this kind of film, which is always preferred by...

Apnea (2021)

Apnea (2021)

Farah, a young woman in her early twenties, is slowly fading out behind her solitary routine until an unexpected visit from a longtime friend leads...

The Syrian Cosmonaut (2022)

The Syrian Cosmonaut (2022)

This is the story of Muhammed Faris, the first Syrian to go to outer space. He is forced to flee his country, as his ideas for a free Syria make him...

Step Outside (2018)

Step Outside (2018)

Youssef is a young man who lives in an under-privileged part of the city. He finds a book called "Get Out Here for Me" and two of its characters...

Yalla Aa'belkon: Single, Married, Divorced (2014)

Yalla Aa'belkon: Single, Married, Divorced (2014)

A social comedy about four women in their late 30s who have to face the pressure of the society for being singles.

They Made Me a Criminal (1954)

They Made Me a Criminal (1954)

Sultan thought that his father's death will soften his uncle's heart and he will take good care of him. Contrary to Sultan's expectations, the uncle...

Forbidden at the Wedding Night (1975)

Forbidden at the Wedding Night (1975)

Zarifa objects the marriage of her daughter Mona from Tahsin, as she wants her married to a wealthy man, while Ashour, Mona's father, supports the...

Tadmor (2017)

Tadmor (2017)

Amidst the popular uprising against the Syrian regime that began in 2011, a group of former Lebanese detainees decides to break their long-held...

The Man with a Dog (2014)

The Man with a Dog (2014)

On the Moroccan coast, a man's yellow labrador is stolen while he swims. Distraught, he goes to extreme lengths to retrieve him, aided and hindered...

Match Day (2015)

Match Day (2015)

Match Day is centered on the day of the Uefa Champions League Final one of the worlds most watched events, we see that game by the eyes of Mohammed a...