Sudan Movies Page 4

The most popular movies from Sudan page 4 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Sudan, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Al-Harifa (2024)

Al-Harifa (2024)

Circumstances force Majed to leave his comfortable life and move from his private school to a public school. Over time, he gains the respect of his...

The Yacoubian Building (2006)

The Yacoubian Building (2006)

Cairo: a 70-year-old building of once-luxury flats with tenements on the roof. Zaki, an aging libertine, feuds with his sister. Pious Hajj Azzam...

Casanegra (2008)

Casanegra (2008)

A Moroccan-Norwegian co-production about the dark side of Casablanca (Casanegra). In a country where good virtues are the norm in public, Casanegra...

Falafel (2007)

Falafel (2007)

Everything bad that can happen on the way to a party happens to young Tou on this nighttime trip though Beirut.

Deer blood (2005)

Deer blood (2005)

The unemployed Reda develops feelings for his neighbor Hanan who runs away and lives with an aristocratic lady for whom she works, leaving Reda to...

Tarek's Situation (2006)

Tarek's Situation (2006)

Tarek is a young man who is working at a telecommunications company,and he fell in love with a girl when he heard her voice in a radio talk show. A...

The Blue Elephant: Part III (1969)

The Blue Elephant: Part III (1969)

A Third part of The Blue Elephant Saga.

Friends Jokes (2006)

Friends Jokes (2006)

The film tells a story speaks of "Yusuf ", a plumbing Man, who is exposed to many pranks by his friends.

Dachra (2019)

Dachra (2019)

Come for Tunisia’s first horror film, following three students’ filmed investigation of weird rumors in a remote village, and stay for the...

Shabab Magnoun Geddan (1967)

Shabab Magnoun Geddan (1967)

Madiha, a student at the acting institute, is forced to disguise herself as a young man named Ismat to work in the music band formed by her three...

Wolves That Do Not Eat Meat (1973)

Wolves That Do Not Eat Meat (1973)

Wolves That Do Not Eat Meat is an Arabic narrative film from the adventure and suspense films produced in 1973, represented by Izzat Al-Alayli in the...

The School of Mischief (1973)

The School of Mischief (1973)

This play takes place in a school that consists of five rebellious students grouped together in one class, who have failed, for over a decade, to...

God Is on Our Side (1955)

God Is on Our Side (1955)

Officer Emad says goodbye to his sweetheart Nadia as he goes to fight in the Palestine war. As the army suffers from a crippling defeat and rumors of...

True Chronicles of the Blida Joinville Psychiatric Hospital in the Last Century, when Dr Frantz Fanon Was Head of the Fifth Ward between 1953 and 1956 (2024)

True Chronicles of the Blida Joinville Psychiatric Hospital in the Last Century, when Dr Frantz Fanon Was Head of the Fifth Ward between 1953 and 1956 (2024)

Frantz Fanon is a renowned politician and decolonialisation activist. This feature focuses on his visionary social therapy methods during his time as...

Sons of Rizk 3 (2024)

Sons of Rizk 3 (2024)

In this part, after years have passed and the brothers have separated in their different ways of life. But one day, a ghost from the past returns to...

3000 Nights (2015)

3000 Nights (2015)

Iman, a young newly wed Palestinian bride, is arrested and incarcerated in a top-security Israeli prison where she gives birth to a baby boy. As she...

TAG (2023)

TAG (2023)

The film follows the lives of the twins Tag and Haroun, who go through many crises as their supernatural abilities cause many paradoxes to occur.

The Three Friends (1966)

The Three Friends (1966)

Three friends are arrested after committing an accident with their car. After finishing their sentence, they become partners with the owner of a...

Ibrahim El-Abyad (2009)

Ibrahim El-Abyad (2009)

After witnessing the murder of his father as a child, Ibrahim is drawn into the criminal underworld of Egypt. While making a name for himself with...

Life's Speed Bump (2006)

Life's Speed Bump (2006)

Seeking job opportunities, a young man arrives in Cairo and becomes increasingly involved with the family of a wealthy businessman.