Sweden Movies Page 44

The most popular movies from Sweden page 44 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Sweden, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

My Dad Marianne (2020)

My Dad Marianne (2020)

Hanna's world turns upside down when her dad, the priest, reveals that he wants to be a woman.

Meant To Be (2010)

Meant To Be (2010)

A delightful romantic comedy about about a guardian angel who falls for the young woman he is protecting.

Docking the Boat (1965)

Docking the Boat (1965)

A group of party goers have trouble getting their boat ashore on a small island. The inhabitants of the island try to help, often with the help of an...

Lotta Leaves Home (1993)

Lotta Leaves Home (1993)

A feisty five-year-old girl Lotta decides to move away from home. And no, she doesn't want to put on the stupid sweater.

Kurragömma (1963)

Kurragömma (1963)

An escaped convict assumes the identity of a professor in order to reveal a criminal syndicate who smuggle diamonds together with Parisian haute...

Beck 20 - The Lawyer (2007)

Beck 20 - The Lawyer (2007)

The murder of a prominent attorney is connected to one of his recent cases, in which a company was being sued for serious environmental damage....

Beck 26 - Buried Alive (2010)

Beck 26 - Buried Alive (2010)

In a playground in the centre of the urban idyll, the police find a buried wooden box containing a famous and well-respected prosecutor. Martin Beck...

JerryMaya's Detective Agency – von Broms' Secret (2013)

JerryMaya's Detective Agency – von Broms' Secret (2013)

Lasse and Maja find an old mysterious coffin that turns out to belong to the eccentric family von Broms. A centuries-old family fights flare up again...

Den bergtagna (1965)

Den bergtagna (1965)

Depicts a woman who commits suicide after being betrayed by a man who, by playing on her low self-esteem, has made herself her superior - and thus...

A Hustler's Diary (2017)

A Hustler's Diary (2017)

Metin is a small time hustler in a Stockholm suburb, filled with big dreams but bogged down by the circular world of street crime. Things change when...

Flicka i kasern (1955)

Flicka i kasern (1955)

They are currently developing a new type of mine at Fredrik's workplace. The head of the company is a young woman, Eva Seman.

Midvinterduell (1983)

Midvinterduell (1983)

The film depicts a stubborn farmer who refuses to adapt to new rules that require him to leave his milk on the village common milk stool instead of...

Svenska Floyd (1961)

Svenska Floyd (1961)

The world-famous Swedish boxer Flosse travels to Italy to fight for the world boxing title. In Rome he meets the nightclub singer Lollo.

Den blomstertid... (1940)

Den blomstertid... (1940)

On an island in the Stockholm archipelago lives a man named Albin who has fallen in love with the new school teacher named Eva. Because of the Winter...

The Father (1988)

The Father (1988)

A charged power struggle between spouses. A tug of war to the death of an only child as ends and means. From an August Strindberg play.

Goliath (2019)

Goliath (2019)

Goliat is set in a small industrial town somewhere in Sweden. When Roland is sentenced to prison, his son, 16-year old Kimmie, is expected to provide...

The Phantom Carriage (1958)

The Phantom Carriage (1958)

The third film adaptation of Selma Lagerlöf's novel of the same name. The drinker David Holm gets killed right on the stroke of midnight on New...

Capricciosa (2003)

Capricciosa (2003)

A Swedish drama by Reza Bagher.

Münsters fall (2005)

Münsters fall (2005)

When the body of a wealthy wine merchant washes up on a beach with multiple stab wounds, police fear a media frenzy. But the quick arrest of the...

Underdog (2015)

Underdog (2015)

Dino is 23 and dreams of a different life. She has left the mass unemployment of the Swedish provinces in search of happiness in nouveau-riche Oslo...

Angne & Svullo

Angne & Svullo

Short sketches featuring The quiet Angne and the loudmouth and bully Svullo

Världens Tuffaste Jobb Med Carina Berg

Världens Tuffaste Jobb Med Carina Berg

Carina Berg tests some of the world's most dangerous, craziest and strangest jobs. Carina picks up her sleeves, challenges her fears and tests the...

Anna Blomberg show

Anna Blomberg show

Fast paced comedy with Anna Blomberg and her famous celebrity impressions and original characters.

Full Fräs med Stefan & Krister

Full Fräs med Stefan & Krister

Full fräs med Stefan & Krister är en svensk buskis-serie med komikerduon Stefan & Krister i åtta halvtimmesavsnitt, inspelat år 1996, regi av...

Veronica and the Chinese millionaire

Veronica and the Chinese millionaire

Veronica is 30 years old when she disappears. At home in the apartment in Högsbo in Gothenburg, 3-year-old Marcus is waiting for his mother. Today...

Kniven i hjärtat

Kniven i hjärtat

A love drama between two young people in a suburb. The story also depicts young people's everyday life in a multicultural society with all its...

Vilse i pannkakan

Vilse i pannkakan

A boy discovers a landscape filled with odd existences on the other side of his pancake.

Jag och min far

Jag och min far

Magnus Uggla and his daughter Agnes embark on a journey together to meet themselves, each other and the world. He was born in the 50s and she in the...