Slovenia Movies Page 49

The most popular movies from Slovenia page 49 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Slovenia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Where Life Is Written (2013)

Where Life Is Written (2013)

An amateur film shot in only 8 days.

Solidarity... (2011)

Solidarity... (2011)

The film is a reshoot of the film Solidarity done by Joyce Wieland in the year 1973. It is a representation of the struggle of the workers in...

In the Land of the Bears (2012)

In the Land of the Bears (2012)

In 2010 and 2011, the huge Slovenian construction sector, which employed more than 70,000 foreign workers, collapsed, leaving behind it debts, halted...

Breath of the Word - The Portrait of Tomaž Pengov (1999)

Breath of the Word - The Portrait of Tomaž Pengov (1999)

A documentary featurette about the Slovenian singer-songwriter Tomaž Pengov.

(A) Typical Couple (2012)

(A) Typical Couple (2012)

A typical day in a typical life of a typical couple trying to communicate their way through their typical relationship.

How Far is the Sea (2010)

How Far is the Sea (2010)

Friends Sara and Nina are going to the sea during the carefree summer holidays slightly differently than the majority - on foot, across Slovenia...

Rubbed Out (2004)

Rubbed Out (2004)

A "Kafkaesque" yet true story of ethnic cleansing in Slovenia in the 1990's; achieved not by the sword but by the bureaucrat's pen.

New Rose (1978)

New Rose (1978)

A super 8mm film by Davorin Marc.

Skiers of Bloke (1932)

Skiers of Bloke (1932)

A short documentary film featuring Aleksander Lavrič.

Eyes Full of Water (2005)

Eyes Full of Water (2005)

Marko, the son of provincial parents, is a mathematics genius. His great interest in mathematics in his childhood years isolates him from social...

Song of Flesh and Image Was Made Body (1985)

Song of Flesh and Image Was Made Body (1985)

The video starts as a criminal story of one man chasing another, whereby the emphasis is not laid on the final outcome, but on colour surfaces that...

Coming Home (2009)

Coming Home (2009)

Lena has been forced to move home; forced to leave everything she loves behind. Her life has been turned upside down. No longer will she be able to...

Ljubljana Welcomes Liberatores (1946)

Ljubljana Welcomes Liberatores (1946)

The arrival of partisan troops in Ljubljana in 1945 and manifestations that accompanied this event.

Waiting for Change (2007)

Waiting for Change (2007)

Slovenian experimental film by Zmago Lenardič. In the video, the author presents documentary-experimental footage of the erupting volcano Etna in...

Turbofolk Under Triglav (2007)

Turbofolk Under Triglav (2007)

The phenomenon of urban country music from the Balkans particularly in Slovenia.

Massacre (2009)

Massacre (2009)

A group of friends are going on a picnic in the woods by the lake. They don't know what is waiting for them... A great picnic day... turns into...

Architect Joze Plecnik: 1872-1957 (2008)

Architect Joze Plecnik: 1872-1957 (2008)

Plečnik in photographs, Plečnik's house, Trnovo bridge, Trnovo port, Ljubljana castle, shoemaking bridge, triple bridge, market, lock, church of...