Suriname Movies Page 49

The most popular movies from Suriname page 49 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Suriname, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Crepuscule (2009)

Crepuscule (2009)

An impressionistic experimental drama. A woman walks a fine line between sanity and madness in a world of constant twilight. She works at a filling...

Anna (2007)

Anna (2007)

Anna starts and ends in euphoria: brother and sister Stijn and Brecht have both put the ghosts of the past behind them and she has finally said 'yes'...

The Girl with the Red Hair (1981)

The Girl with the Red Hair (1981)

During the second world war law student Hannie Schaft is a member of the Dutch resistance movement.

Mystery Ranch (1934)

Mystery Ranch (1934)

The famous western fiction writer Bob Morris arrives at the Henderson ranch. He quickly realizes the hanging, runaway horses, and the shootout are...

Snuf de hond in oorlogstijd (2008)

Snuf de hond in oorlogstijd (2008)

Adolescent Tom lost his parents and home in the Nazi bombing of Rotterdam. The orphan is taken in on uncle Tjerp's Friesian farm. Old farmhand Bauke...

Vosnia (2023)

Vosnia (2023)

Ben and Lize, two former high school-sweethearts in their mid-twenties, encounter each other again in the parking lot of their old high school, while...

Pathetics (2018)

Pathetics (2018)

Life is what happens, while you're busy making other plans

Daughter (2005)

Daughter (2005)

Marie waited years for her father to return, after he left with the words: "I'll call you"; then she met Mattias.

Porcelain (2019)

Porcelain (2019)

Paul and Anna live an apparently happy and successful life. But when their son inexplicably falls ill, the facade of a seemingly happy family life...

Forgotten Street (1999)

Forgotten Street (1999)

Feature based on the novel with the same name by the Flemish writer Louis Paul Boon. The celebrated author lives in a cul de sac threatened with...

Maw (2018)

Maw (2018)

Richard has an unusual fantasy: he gets sexually aroused by the idea of being devoured by an animal. In a contact add he gets to know Max and with...

Heading for England (1992)

Heading for England (1992)

A man from the province looks back on his graduation year, some teachers, the parental home and especially his father.

Edge of the Deck (2011)

Edge of the Deck (2011)

Harrie Vermeulen (Jon van Eerd) finds himself in hot water once again in the brand-new comedy "Kantje Boord." As an honest accountant of a large...

Fatal (2016)

Fatal (2016)

Milan and Sophie are two twentysomethings who want to marry and have children. Milan has ambitious plans for opening a dance club. After hard work,...

Boy Ecury (2003)

Boy Ecury (2003)

In 1944, resistance hero Boy Ecury was executed by a German firing squad at the age of 22. In this historical drama, Dundun Ecury, a business man...

De Familie Slim (2017)

De Familie Slim (2017)

Max Slim is inventor, but not the best. With all his findings, something is wrong. But when the rest of his brilliant inventors famile are taken to...

Happy Palace (2024)

Happy Palace (2024)

After restaurant owner Chang dies, the whole town of Obdam is in deep mourning for 'their Chinese'. The always loyal Yung Ling (34) is forced to keep...

Minibar (2008)

Minibar (2008)

The relationship of the Dutch Roman and the German Hanna - who live together in Berlin - is deadlocked. Will their relationship survive Christmas?