Turkey Movies Page 45

The most popular movies from Turkey page 45 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Turkey, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Wall (1983)

The Wall (1983)

Produced, written and directed by Yılmaz Güney within his own personal experiences of capital offense, he dedicates Duvar to male teenagers aged 13...

Yaban (1996)

Yaban (1996)

Ahmet Celal, who was injured during the war, is in great pain and a young woman named Emine helps him and saves him and heals him. A stormy love...

Şafak Bekçileri (1963)

Şafak Bekçileri (1963)

Watchmen of the Dawn is about the lives of pilots in the Turkish air force based in the mid-Anatolian town Eskisehir. Göksel is a young pilot with...

Hazal (1979)

Hazal (1979)

The son of a wealthy, respected family seeks the hand of Hazal; unexpectedly, soon after her marriage, her husband dies. According to custom, as the...

40 (2009)

40 (2009)

A bag full of money lands in front of you. Is it luck? The answer to your prayers? Part of a predetermined plan? Or all of the above? Set in the...

The Horse (1982)

The Horse (1982)

A father and son come to grips with external hardships and their own human frailties as they attempt to earn enough money to send the boy to school.

Hicran Sokağı (2007)

Hicran Sokağı (2007)

A neighborhood story with loves and fights.

Hoşçakal Yarın (1998)

Hoşçakal Yarın (1998)

This movie is about Deniz Gezmis and his two comrades. They were three revolutionary activist has been executed by military fascist junta in 1972.

Something Useful (2017)

Something Useful (2017)

Leyla, a lawyer and a poet, takes the long-distance train to attend her high school reunion dinner. On the train, she meets Canan, a young nursing...

Çılgın Dersane (2007)

Çılgın Dersane (2007)

Class of teenage students attempting to save their unconventional school from getting shut down but things don't go as planned.

Makas (2016)

Makas (2016)

Fatih is the one who learned the pain of fate in childhood. A struggle to save her mother from her stepfather's death killed her step-father. Fatih,...

The Confused Groom (1975)

The Confused Groom (1975)

While Serpil pretends to be a religious village girl to his rich uncle she gets cought at an erotic party. Her uncle sees what she actually is than...

Baskül Ailesi

Baskül Ailesi

The funny story of a mother and her three daughters who are obese and struggling to get rid of their excess weight but did not do it well.



How can one know who is really innocent and who is not or the thoughts on the people's mind who walk on the fine line between innocence and...

Aslında Özgürsün

Aslında Özgürsün

Berna and Belgin are two 40-year-old women who oppose the rules imposed by society and men. These women, who live different lives from different...