Turkey Movies Page 48

The most popular movies from Turkey page 48 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Turkey, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Hopeless Ones (1971)

The Hopeless Ones (1971)

O.K. so the serious bad-ass badman Firat can not have this gorgeous blonde with huge hair and equally huge false eyelashes not because he is a...

Ağla Gözlerim (1968)

Ağla Gözlerim (1968)

Leyla, who has no choice but to accept her father's offer, tries to keep her pregnancy secret, but the truth eventually comes to light.

The Waiting Room (2004)

The Waiting Room (2004)

Zeki Demirkubuz plays the lead character Ahmet who wants to make a film about Dostoyevsky's 'Crime and Punishment'. He falls into a deep depression,...

Liberation: Resurrection (1994)

Liberation: Resurrection (1994)

It is the story of a nation's resurrection and victory, in which the War of Independence is told.

Şah Mat (1990)

Şah Mat (1990)

Four friends get together to have fun in a country house. Upon the unexpected suicide of one of them, the others panic and decide to hide it from the...

All Good 2 Back To Square One (2014)

All Good 2 Back To Square One (2014)

Salim decides to take the coffin of a deserted body to his hometown. But this journey turns into an adventure where Salih and his travel buddy Nihal...

Taş Mektep (2012)

Taş Mektep (2012)

Symbolizing the turning point occurred in the Battle of Sakarya in Turkish-Greek War, tells one of the most moving stories.

Tales of Intransigence (2004)

Tales of Intransigence (2004)

The story of rivalry between two forms of winter transport: the horse-drawn sleigh which can take the short cut over the frozen lake and the red...

The Hungry Wolves (1969)

The Hungry Wolves (1969)

Memed is a fugitive with a sole purpose to find and execute bandits in the mountains to avenge the death of his wife. One day he saves a woman from...

The Trace (1994)

The Trace (1994)

Commissioner Kemal, who is nearing retirement, investigates a suicide case. Cezmi Kara, whose face has become unrecognizable, has been found dead in...

Güllü Geliyor Güllü (1973)

Güllü Geliyor Güllü (1973)

Güllü and the goddess Taka Nuri come to Istanbul to avenge a bloodshed. Güllü is a Black Sea girl. Nasi is a rich young man who grew up in the...

Bir Gece (2015)

Bir Gece (2015)

Batuhan is an ex-chemistry student and created a new form of drug. Leyla is pregnant and her boyfriend not only wants to split up from her, but also...

Gen (2006)

Gen (2006)

A suicide case is informed to the police from a mental hospital in a rocky district. Two policemen comes to hospital to investigate the case. In the...

Passed by Censor (2019)

Passed by Censor (2019)

In the heart of Istanbul's prison, Zakir controls the letters prisoners receive. His average day is spent between the censorship office, his...

The Fallow Deer (1959)

The Fallow Deer (1959)

During a day of deer hunting, Karaca Ali Aga (Talat Gözbak) finds a girl wandering around, and immediately falls in love with her. Some time later,...

The chance of my life

The chance of my life

Yonca is a young mother in her mid-twenties who is trying to hold on to life with her little girl Sare. On the one hand, she is struggling with the...

Seven Ne Yapmaz

Seven Ne Yapmaz

Frivolous, flirtatious, handsome Ozan Ekinsoy is the heir of the largest holding in Turkey Ekinsoy Holding. But because of a big mistake he made, his...



Seeking to uncover the truth about his past, a henchman betrays someone close to him and assumes a new identity in a small Istanbul neighborhood.

Arkadaşlar İyidir

Arkadaşlar İyidir

Eren, Seda, Merve and Yunus are four friends who met a year ago when they were studying at university. In their first year of class, Seda meets her...

The Last Empress

The Last Empress

Zeynep, a teacher at the Beyoğlu family school, saves Onur, the family heir, from an assassination attempt, leading to unexpected events. Despite...

Summer Song

Summer Song

It tells the story of Yaz, who clings to her father's dream in Istanbul, where she came to study, and tries to realize that dream in secret from her...

The Secrets of Life

The Secrets of Life

The Secrets of Life centers the heartwarming, intense and a bit thrilling story of Kuzgun family whose happiness was wrecked when the secrets of...

Island of Secrets

Island of Secrets

A childhood dream carried over from the past to the present, of difficult lives in difficult geographies, of those who destroyed themselves and their...